This reads, sadly, like the utterings of a fundamentalist Muslim, who claims that:**Scientists exploring the origin of life and universe by holding on to the big bang theories, still have most believers on their side, however ridiculous this “Big Bang” might be. For what should bang if there’s nothing and what was there, before there was something, and where did this come from?!
It’s godless to spend Billions of money worldwide, exploring the Universe and the “results” help no-one, instead of spending the same money to overcome hunger and poorness in this world. The silly answer: Well this gives many work, can be disproved by: War- and weapon-industry too does so - but it destroys life, and a anti-hunger industry would do so too with many employees from teachers to docs and farmers.
Big Bang and need to explore the farthest Universe? Even the most silly things can be said in sophisticated words. The more sophisticated, the more they are true?
Not at all!
How come, we worry more about God’s creating and keeping the world than our own eternal life? Didn’t Jesus say (match e.g. Matthew 6:33) SEEK FIRST GOD’S KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL THE REST WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS WELL.
That’s absolutely true, for many a thing the world never understands, is given to those who live in faith and believe in God. But the world won’t listen and sets on it’s own “wit and cleverness”, which is just nothing without God, and leads literally into a dead-end road.
If it is not in the Koran, then it is irrelevant, for if it agrees, then it is superfluous, and if not, it is heresy.