Yes, yes very good. Now, who had copies of these foreign language Bibles? Was it laypeople or the clergy? To say that Catholics had printed the Bible in other languages doesn’t help to solve the issue. The heart of the issue is who had these. Even if they were in the language of the people, they were not available to the people on a mass scale. Of course, the printing press sped this along - I realize.
Not angry at all…
Since Bibles…and all books at that time were a very expensive item…and the FACT that most common people could not read, (as is STILL the case in a great many countries) the clergy had them and perhaps those who could afford them…but the point is that the Bible was (and IS) read in every Mass and that is where all of us anawim hear the Gospel. (Though today we come home & read the Bible as well…Thank God for printing…).
Look…the FACT is that the so-called Reformers came up with doctrines that had never existed before in the entire history of Christianity and the result is the mass confusion of some 33,830 (plus!) non-Catholic denoms. The resulting schisms have done irreparable (except by divine intervention) harm to Christianity.
I checked it out in depth and found that the reformers were wrong. In all the years that I was a Protestant I had to “read around” passages like John 6, John 20:21-23, and 1st Cor 11:26-30 because they just don’t jive w/the non-Catholic belief system and clearly support Catholic teaching. No one among the churches I was part of had any reasonable answers to them and would get bent outta shape if you pointed out that they support Catholicism. It all fits in the context of the whole Bible, including and especially the authority of the church to interpret what is really Christian and what is not. (For instance the change from sabbath worship as Jews to the Sunday celebration of the breaking of bread in Acts of the Apostles. Something that our SDA friends allege the Catholic Church did…in this they are both right & wrong
Anyway, despite the sometimes divergent views you may get from Catholics on this forum…the final authority is our church (Biblical according to 1st Timothy 3:15, “The pillar and bulwark of the truth”). American Catholics in particular can be a dissenting lot, but what I as an individual may think about the decrees of the church is not the final authority. I do not have to check up on the church to insure that she teaches the truth, that job belongs to the Holy Spirit of God and He has done a perfect job to date (w/o any help from me or anyone else). So really…you will get your very best answers from the CCC and good clarifications from the AAA forum on this site. There are others as well, but this is where I hang out because I am familiar w/these folks.
God be good to you!