
Thanks Nancy, but stories of people’s experience are not very persuasive to me. Many people leave some Protestant Churches because for their reason and many people leave the RC Church for their reasons. Everyone has been done wrong in one way or another. Everyone has their tragidies. I could give you some myself with Churches to which I have belonged. But these, while helpful, are not very persuasive since Mormans and Muslims, and every other religion has their books about why people have converted.
What I look for is balaced approaches by people who are open minded. Neither of us have very many of these availible. I have read T. Howard, Chesterton, Kung, C. S. Lewis, James White, and Norman Geisler. How is that for across the spectrum? I have also listened to many of the top debaters from each side.
To tell you the truth, I have learned the most here. With live question and answers. It has been very helpful to clear up misconcetions. While I remain unpersuaded of most of the issues that divide, I am learning.
BTW: The best book, in my judgement, that I have found that looks at these issues in a balanced manner is called A Mosaic of Christian Beliefs. If you want a great overwiew of what has united and divided Christians, this is a very good book. But most importantly, it deals with methodology in studies, which is where I think you and I are at–the justification of knowledge and the degree of certianty that one can have is very important. Here is a link to the book: amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0830826955/qid=1102893670/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/002-0813233-8169666?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
I really encourage you (and everyone who reads this) to read the intro by clicking on the book.