
Michael,But the discussion of infallibility is what you require to have absolute certiantly about truth and the Scriptures. This is exactly what I am saying. I don’t have to have this type of certianty and this type of certianty does not exist. I can look at the evidence and decide. If you say that you are only morally certian that the Church is infallible and the the Bible’s cannon is correct, then I could go there . . . maybe. At least with the canon. But the evidence does not point to the infallibility of the Church yet. This is what I have been looking for.Michael
The discussion of infallibility does not require absolute certainty about truth and the scriptures. It requires a moral certitude which comes by way of grace and faith. We have a moral certitude only, otherwise the element of faith in God and His promises becomes absolute certitude and therefore knowledge. Faith would no longer exist. Infallibility is a protection necessitated by all elements of the faith otherwise we would be tossed about by every wind of competing doctrine.

You see many conflicts, but I see unity. When there were disagreements they were always solved by Church councils and Papal declarations.…
Now I have to look other places for this certianty. In other words, I have to look for the evidence elsewhere. Where do I go?
- The consistancy of Church history in its teachings? Not there to the degree that would compel me since there are so many conflicts and who is to say who is right?Michael

This is a requirement of your own making. The context of these scriptures does not mean that these same signs and wonders must be worked by the leadership that follows them. There are, however, wondrous miracles associated with the Catholic Church and its members throughout the ages.
- The fact that God says he will speak through people but they have to show some type of authenticating sign (Deut 13, 18 and 2 Cor 12:12). I can’t find anyone who is raising the dead to authenticate themselves.Michael

I cannot help believe that this verse speaks volumes. If the verse is true then the implications are that it will protect and uphold the truth. If this is so, then the Church cannot be the source of doctrinal errors in the area of faith and morals. The latter would negate the formerly quoted biblical statement.
- To the statement that the Church is the Bulwark of truth? I believe this statement, but it does not necessitate infallibility any more than the statement that the Church is His body means that the Church will infallibly act like his body.Michael

The 17th Chapter of John is not simply pragmatic. Your contention gives no credit to the prayerful desires of the Lord.Michael
- Pragmatics which say that it is better for us to be unified, therefore we must have one unifying factor? This is purely pragmatic and such important decisions need more than this.Michael

Neither was Luther, Calvin, or Zwingli. Beyond them, of course, are Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith, and many others.But I am not that uncomfortable with moral certianty about my interpretation of Scripture.
I do not mean to place you in the same sentence as these folks so please don’t take offense. Instead, consider their certainty. Sincerity and my own personal certitude do not guarantee a whole lot of anything. I have grown quite suspicious of my own certainty, and have found much greater reliability in the Church. I would advise great caution in interpreting scripture on my own with any degree of certitude.