Michael,Yes, but if you are talkng about their prophets, they showed the signs of a prophet. In other words, they showed the signs of someone speaking for God. Something the RC system somehow bypassed and does not require. Even Christ and the apostle had to give attesting signs to their authority. Their miracles were not simply acts of benevolence, as some think, but attesting signs to point to the authority of their message. Otherwise, anyone could claim to speak for God. Anyone.Michael
If you really believe this then you may as well chuck all of Christianity today. No Church leadership is working the kinds of signs that you speak of. You are creating a requirement that is not applicable. When Jesus established his Church He did not claim that the leadership would always and forever more be working signs and miracles. Look at what Jesus says about His Church and simply see the fulfillment in the Catholic Church which was the only Church until the Reformation.
It is unreasonable because it is not scripturally applicable to the Church established by Jesus Christ.But these are the parameters that God set up to protect His word. (Deut 13, 18 and 2 Cor 12:12). All of Gospels and the Book of Acts shows how Christ and the Apostles did many signs to substantiate the parameters that God established. Is this really that unreasonable?Michael
Sorry, but the unity Jesus prayed for is a visible unity and this not the case in Christianity today. It was true before the 12 century and was “virtually” the case before the Reformation. The differences in doctrines, teachings and practice across Christianity today are significant. I think this issue of unity is huge. Protestants by necessity must play the issue down. The 17th Chapter of John takes exception to your position in every way.What promises? That the church should be one and united? They are one and united. Michael