I am still trying to come to grips with where you are deriving this requirement for a copy of vernacular scripture to be in the hands of every professed believer? Can you show me where that is necessary?
You seem so angry all the time.
For the record, I’ve never read a Jack Chick publication. I am an open-minded individual. I suggest you refrain from presumptions. You will only reap sour grapes by such remarks.
Yes, yes very good. Now, who had copies of these foreign language Bibles? Was it laypeople or the clergy? To say that Catholics had printed the Bible in other languages doesn’t help to solve the issue. The heart of the issue is who had these. Even if they were in the language of the people, they were not available to the people on a mass scale. Of course, the printing press sped this along - I realize.
And…chill out.