So no, it’s not a false assumption that there cannot be disagreement, not on officially declared doctrine. Christians cannot claim that both “A” and “not A” are true and supported in scripture at the same time. That’s absolutely contrary to scripture.
I totally agree. God still protects His Church from officially teaching error, just like He’s done for 2000 years. That one’s a cinch for Him!
In Christ,
No, the Bereans weren’t commended for checking scripture. The Bereans were said to be “more fair-minded” than the Thessalonicans, who went Scripture too (Acts 17:2). Doing what the Thessaloicans did would make them equally fair-minded, not more so. Scripture says that what made them more fair-minded was the fact that they “received the word with all willingness”. NOT the written word of scripture, but the ORAL word of Paul…Tradition. What Paul was saying wasn’t in scripture, but Paul showed them where what he was preaching was consistent with the OT scriptures. This is a good thing, as all Christian teaching must be consitent with scripture. However, the idea that scripture is the test to use against those who create dissensions simply can’t be found in scripture. You didn’t get that idea from scripture, you got it from the “tradition” of those who taught you that it was so.The New Testament commended the Bereans for checking out what was taught (by an Apostle, by the way) against what? Tradition? No Scripture. That is the test to use against those who create dissensions. (Act 17:11)
That’s incorrect. The Church has never once contradicted herself on official teachings of faith or morals. Not once in 2000 years. That’s what happens under the guidance of the holy Spirit. Of course there are going to be disagreements, we see that at the Council of Jerusalem. There was much debate which means there was much disagreement. But the disagreeing parties didn’t part ways and start their own churches,each teaching what they personally believed was true.They didn’t turn to the scriptures alone. They appealed to those who could render an authoritative decision on the matter, under the guidance of the holy Spirit. And that’s just what they did. Not because the bible alone said such and such, in fact when rendering their decision they didn’t appeal to scripture at all as their authority. In their letter they cited themselves, under the guidance of the holy Spirit, as the authority by which they made their decision.OK, create the same list for the history of the Church and the Church fathers. You will come up with simular results. This is just the way it is, has been, and will be until Christ comes. Remember “we see in a mirror dimely” which means that we will not know everything and we don’t need to know everything. This is a false assumption to believe that there cannot be disagreement within God’s will.
So no, it’s not a false assumption that there cannot be disagreement, not on officially declared doctrine. Christians cannot claim that both “A” and “not A” are true and supported in scripture at the same time. That’s absolutely contrary to scripture.
The situation in Christianity is not what Christ had in mind when he established his Church.
Really, God is pretty big. I think that He can take care of things. Remember "The gates of Hell cannot prevail against His church, even if you believe they are.
I totally agree. God still protects His Church from officially teaching error, just like He’s done for 2000 years. That one’s a cinch for Him!
In Christ,