I don’t need specific citations. My own general research into Islamic teachings has led me to the conclusion that there are internal conflicts within it and that the “band aid” (a later teaching superseding an earlier one) to solve these internal conflicts doesn’t work and isn’t consistent with the other two Abrahamic faiths (both internally and going from Jewish teachings to Christian teachings).As I stated earlier, there is a process in Islam called abrogation, in which a contradictory teaching supersedes an earlier teaching. Muslims do not view that as a conflict or it being inconsistent. It is difficult for a Christian mind to understand because our view of the eternal word of God is that it is unchanging at all times. While we recognize that Islam understand the first principle of God (That there is only one God and he is the merciful creator) that does not mean they have a full understanding of God.
While I am currently at work, if you wish I can provide the specific areas in the Koran that explain the violence towards non-muslims and the contempt they hold for Jews and Christians. Though just read Sura 9 and you will have a better understanding of what I am talking about.