Evolutionary we needed consciousness to make sense of our environment, to have a sense of self-identity (as different from others and other elements), be aware of the changes/dangers/opportunities around us, etc. Otherwise there would be no point in ever learning a new information. If we would be in a state similar with dreaming or coma, what will be the point in learning something new? How would this allow us to survive and " conquer " our environment. I am not really an expert in how the brains work, and to be fair even the experts don’t know all the answers yet. But it is pretty clear that new information create a new wiring, this doesn’t mean you are able to do in practice certain activities without first having to actually experience them. Put it this way- if you read a book about skiing, but never actually went skiing, are you going to perfectly put it in practice? From practice, I can tell you that you can’t learn a new language just by studying it- you must also practice it. And many other examples- the information is there, so a new wiring is realized but you also need the experience.
I see no reason to suppose that one-celled creatures are not conscious of their environment. The fact that they react suggests they are.
Self-identity is an interesting quite complex subject.
There are indications that some animals have this capacity albeit in primitive form.
Clearly it would be nothing like the stories we carry about within ourselves about our lives and who we are.
In this regard, the difference between mankind and the most advanced in the animal kingdom is quite remarkable.
What answers do you think experts don’t know yet?
What makes you believe they are knowable?
New information does not necessarily create “new wiring”.
While practicing something is definitely a way to make new and more connections between neurons, probably more important would be intra- and intercellular changes involving neurotransmitters, receptors etc., along with some in the supporting matter of the brain all of which alters the communication between neurons.
All of this constitutes the contents of consciousness as it relates to what is going on within the body of the person.
Consciousness does not arise from the brain, but rather includes CNS functioning as a component of our being which is relational in nature.
Focussing on this particular moment as an example, knowing occurs as a finite experience, separate from but connecting with what is other.
If we go along with what everyone does and call this being “I”, I can say that I know that I am typing, reading etc giving meaning through the organization of perceptions and concepts into the whole that is the moment.
These words are on the screen, in my brain as fluctuating neural patterns, and outside of space and time as meaning.
The point in asking vague questions like the OP, containing words whose meanings are not agreed upon, is that it makes for lively, altho’ perhaps not useful, discussion.