I will tell you how I see it.
There is little if any essential difference in the neurons and especially the intraneuronal processes found in different areas of the brain. Neurons in different areas may differ in structure and size, and produce different neurotransmitters than those found elsewhere. There is however no difference in their features that would explain why one area is related to consciousness and another not. If you stimulate one area you will hear a sound, another you will see a light, another a memory, another may raise the respiratory and heart rates, yet another might produce a sensation of pleasure. All these events happen in an intact brain where the person is capable of attending to the experience and report it.
Problems like the one you are attempting to resolve, come up when one considers a person to be merely physical, an infinitely complex collection of chemical processes, encased in a bag of skin, so to speak. We are more than what modern science would consider to be physical matter.
About our being physical, we should appreciate that we are continuous with the rest of the physical universe. The molecules we ingest are the same molecules that will constitute our body and that were previously part of some other living organism. The photons emitted from this monitor enter into the body through the lens and hitting the retina cause chemical changes which initiate a cascade of neurochemical events. There is nothing physical that separates us from everything else that is physical. Yet we do not experience our existence as one cosmic minestrone of universal consciousness.
We are separate but a part of everything. This is where we begin to consider the reality of the human soul. We can understand it as being relational in nature. We connect with the physical universe through the senses. Our cognitive capacities allow us to connect with the structure that underlies those immediate sensory experiences. They also enable us to understand the structure of the cosmos that has to do with meaning, beauty and goodness. We also feel and suffer. And, it is the spiritual soul that enables us to connect through love.
So the screen in front of us is the screen, the light emanating and reflecting from it, chemical changes in the retina, neurological events in the midbrain and in various parts of the cortex. It is contained in what is our being, which exists as it as a self-other-connectedness.
This individual, finite being that is who we are, is ultimately rooted in Being itself, which is an eternal act of loving creation. We are connected with not only the rest of creation, but with the Source of our being and the aim of existence is to participate in its fullness. Becoming our true selves, who are Christ-like, we enter into the loving union that is the Triune Godhead.
Speaking of the use of consciousness presupposes that there is something greater than consciousness which gives it meaning. Some have stated it is survival. If that is the case, it is only as valuable as is life. If we are talking about the survival of a species, it would have no personal value. It doesn’t for some people; others fight until the bitter end. I think consciousness is a vague and ambiguous term, but the way I mean it, it is useless except for the fact that it contains all uses. It is like a spark between the two fathomless realities of self and other. The ultimate goal of consciousness is communion, through the giving of oneself to who and what is other.