The very same which was used to proclaim that: “a circle is the collection of points which are equidistant from a specific point”. I leave the details as a homework. But, of course, I see your point. There are certain basic propositions which are not subject to “proofs”. They are the foundation of everything else. In the formal systems they are called “axioms”, in the inductive systems they are called basic principles.Speaking of which, what “epistemiological method” was used to find out that…?![]()
Point taken. But you could not “prove” that there was no post made by a moderator. Theists love to proclaim that “God cannot be disproved” as if the lack of a **logical proof **would lend credence to their claim that “God exists”. You cannot prove in a logical fashion that there are no posts were made by a moderator. After all you cannot know that a moderator does not have a “normal” alias, so there could well be a post from a moderator in “disguise”.Oh, and, by the way, if you are unwilling to teach logic, I have nothing against doing it myself.“Universal negative” is a proposition of the form “No X are Y.” (or “All X are not Y.”), while “particular negative” is a proposition of form “Some X are not Y.” (see Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article “The Traditional Square of Opposition” - plato.stanford.edu/entries/square/). Contrary to your claim, the proposition “No post in the 43rd page of this thread has been made by a current forum moderator.” is obviously a universal negative (with X being “posts in the 43rd page of this thread” and Y - “posts made by current forum moderator”). Thus the counterexample stands.
Except that the claim that “universal negative cannot be proved” is NOT a claim of logic, it is a claim of epistemology.Unfortunately, 1) Logic is an axiomatic system, 2) you have claimed that one cannot be completely certain without such a proof, thus, if this your claim was right, you wouldn’t be able to claim that “universal negative cannot be proved etc.” with complete certainty…![]()