Hee_Zen’s Conscience to Hee_Zen: What’s the matter? Do YOU have no sense of humour?You know, I invested a lot of time, thought and effort into that post. You simply selected one sentence of minor relevance and chose to reply to that. Admittedly you were right when you “rubbed my nose” into the inconsistency of what I wrote there, but the fact that you chose only one sentence “insinuates” that you found the rest unworthy to respond to. Now maybe you don’t care, which is fine, or did not have time to get into the details, but without an explanation I find it - well - somewhat sad to see the effort to be brushed to the side.
You blow off the comments of others by not responding to them in their entirety and insinuating that you find their arguments unworthy to respond to. Maybe you don’t care that your lack of response shows that your ethical thinking is full of holes, but the fact that you turn into a big cry baby (above) all the while accusing others of having no sense of humour shows that your “subjectivity” view of ethics and the qualities of things like humour have no basis whatsoever in anything except the fickle feelings in your own pituitary gland and other sundry organs of your body. That hardly gives me, your conscience, a proper leg to stand on.
It isn’t my job to always agree with and tell you that you are right all the time. That schtick IS getting tedious.