Sure you do. Those who say that the universe would simply disappear into nothingness, if God would not “pay attention” and would not “maintain” it from second to second. Last time I checked, it was also the church which proposed this as the “sustaining cause” argument.Who claimed that natural events don’t exist? I don’t know any theist that would say natural events don’t exist.
If you ever utter a supplicatory prayer, then this is exactly what you attempt to do.I’m sure this thread has to have at some point covered that God isn’t of the material universe so we can’t just “grab him by the scuff of the neck”.
I don’t. The existence of the universe is accepted as an existential primary. Space, time, matter, energy, causation are all defined **within **the universe. None of these can be applied **to **the universe.This thread is too long for me to search if you gave an answer to this already so forgive me but Hee_Zen how do you explain there being something rather than nothing?
Nothing “explains” itself. This is just an ill-formed and nonsensical proposition. If one wishes to avoid infinite regress of the “explanations”, one must stop somewhere. Atheists stop at the universe. Theists go one step further, and posit some “god” and the final explanation. When asked about their “god”, they say that “god” is self-sufficient, it needs no further explanation. This has two problems. First, to say that “god” is self-explanatory is just a “brute assertion”. Second, the “god-hypothesis” explains nothing. To say that an “unknowable being using unimaginable means made the universe somehow happen” is NOT an explanation.And I don’t mean something appearing from a low energy field or a quantum potential, but literally nothing. You mentioned the big bang starting from the singularity and then changing but the singularity doesn’t explain itself so must be contingent on something else and what caused it to change in the first place?
Simple. What you call “moral” is simply a distillate of the human behavioral norms which allow both the individuals and the groups function with good efficiency in any given society at a specific time. I do not accept the existence of “absolute” moral norms which are independent from the intent, the means, the end. I will give just one example. Murder is widely considered an “immoral act”. However, if murder would be reversible, it would be “no big deal”.Also how do you explain objective moral truths?