I have always wonder why a chain of cause and effect do not exhaust in a blink. I was thinking on this topic for a while. To me time is a cognitive phenomena as it related to changes. But why? First thing first: Lets assume that S causes S’. S and S’ cannot coexist hence S must vanishes before S’ takes place. This situation however paradoxical since S cannot exist and exist not at the same time. To resolve the problem, one has to assume that awareness of S exist in consciousness where this can then cause S’. What I am arguing so far is that no change is possible without awareness which resides in consciousness. Hence, change is related to awareness, in simple word awareness work as an engine pushing us forward. Awareness however is not the only force in nature as all events should manifest themselves in a blink as it was stated. The other force which is in the place is randomness which disturbed state of awareness and act like a friction hence any changes require a duration so called time.