What is time?

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He does have a point.

Some truths are subject to change. For example, the statement “Davidv is alive” is a true statement, but was not true 200 years ago.

Likewise, the statement “GW Bush is the president of the USA” is false now, but was true ten years ago.

But absolute truth, for example, “God is,” never changes.

I am saying more than that. God as absolute truth can only be subjective, a pure idea.
I am saying more than that. God as absolute truth can only be subjective, a pure idea.
Ok, that is where we disagree.

TMM, nothing that is subjective can be absolutely true. Subjectivity resides nowhere but in one’s own head.

An absolute truth can exist only if it is objective.

I am not atheist. My religion as it is written is wherever it may go.
Sorry, my comment was directed to GEddie. You said you gave proof but he doesn’t want to believe it. He (she?) said “If you had proven such, there would be no need for belief.” I just wanted to remind him that we give all kinds of proof for the existence of God but atheists choose not to believe it. Just a little joke that kinda loses its flavour having been explained 🤷 Anyway, I didn’t mean to imply that you’re an atheist.
So we might have problem in definition, because to me** the absolute truth is something that IS**. Truth is the current state of belief and it is necessary because whatever we do is based on it. Absolute truth is something that we are looking for and it is not subject to change or doubt.** Absolute truth is purely subjective**.
These 2 statements are mutually exclusive. They cannot both be true. If something is absolutely true, then it is true whether or not anyone believes it. It is objectively true. On the other hand, subjective truth is something that is true for some but not for others. I can say it’s night time, which is true for me right now but not true for people on the other side of the world.

I have no idea what you mean by “truth is the current state of belief”.
No change is possible without awareness? Whose awareness? The universe had roughly 13 billion years of change before humans came along to be aware of it.
Pure awareness. Whose? Us.

I already discuss that Consciousness is primary hence it is impossible to create it. You can see the proof in here.
Be careful here. You’re saying that change only happens when someone (or something) is aware of the change.
Awareness is not a force in nature at all. Awareness can’t cause things to happen, it can only observe. Things constantly happen all around you without your awareness, or even the awareness of the things being acted upon.
Awareness is the only force in the nature. This even applies to forces which act between elementary particles right now. For example, what is light? Information which carry the knowledge about the position of particles and the way they move.
To answer your question “what is time”, in my understanding time is a human construct that we use to measure change.
We can construct time but instrument which changes and those changes inform us about the time passage.
Ok, that is where we disagree.

TMM, nothing that is subjective can be absolutely true. Subjectivity resides nowhere but in one’s own head.
Quite contrary absolute truth is only subjective.

P1: Truth is subject to change
P2: Absolute truth is not subject to change
C1: From P1 and P2 we can deduce that absolute truth and truth are mutually exclusive
C2: From P1 and C1 we can conclude that absolute truth cannot subjectively exist (from our point of view since our view is subject to change)
C3: Hence absolute truth can only exist as a pure idea
An absolute truth can exist only if it is objective.

Could you please elaborate? How such a thing which is a pure idea can exist objectively?
Sorry, my comment was directed to GEddie. You said you gave proof but he doesn’t want to believe it. He (she?) said “If you had proven such, there would be no need for belief.” I just wanted to remind him that we give all kinds of proof for the existence of God but atheists choose not to believe it. Just a little joke that kinda loses its flavour having been explained 🤷 Anyway, I didn’t mean to imply that you’re an atheist.
It is all alright. :bounce:
These 2 statements are mutually exclusive. They cannot both be true.
They are not.
If something is absolutely true, then it is true whether or not anyone believes it. It is objectively true. On the other hand, subjective truth is something that is true for some but not for others. I can say it’s night time, which is true for me right now but not true for people on the other side of the world.
Truth and absolute truth are both subjective.
I have no idea what you mean by “truth is the current state of belief”.
We used to believe in Pagans long time ago, then in one God, etc. That is mean that our current state of belief is subject to change and we can call that truth.
Quite contrary absolute truth is only subjective.

P1: Truth is subject to change
P2: Absolute truth is not subject to change
C1: From P1 and P2 we can deduce that absolute truth and truth are mutually exclusive
C2: From P1 and C1 we can conclude that absolute truth cannot subjectively exist (from our point of view since our view is subject to change)
C3: Hence absolute truth can only exist as a pure idea

Could you please elaborate? How such a thing which is a pure idea can exist objectively?
Your P1 is incorrect, as truth may, **or may not, **be subject to change.

There are everlasting truths.

Absolute truths are more than “pure ideas”.

I have always … so called time.
The time start with the movement. If the movement stop hence the time stop.

The time is effective rather for matter but for unmaterial the case is different. Forexample the soul is somewhat beyond of time. Because the soul is the manifestation of God’s attributes as action and canon. So the conscious and awareness and all other moral senses are like soul because all moral senses belong to soul.
You say change only happens when we are aware of change, and that awareness is a force of nature, and that absolute truth is subjective. That may be true for you but it’s not for me.
I see no point in continuing this discussion.
The time start with the movement. If the movement stop hence the time stop.

The time is effective rather for matter but for unmaterial the case is different. Forexample the soul is somewhat beyond of time. Because the soul is the manifestation of God’s attributes as action and canon. So the conscious and awareness and all other moral senses are like soul because all moral senses belong to soul.
Why things doesn’t move faster and vanish in a instant?
Because speed is a function of energy, which is finite, and objective.

. That is a good response, so there exist some constraint on the system. How energy metaphysical related to time in your opinion? I know about physical relation so please don’t bother with that unless you feel it is related.
. That is a good response, so there exist some constraint on the system. How energy metaphysical related to time in your opinion? I know about physical relation so please don’t bother with that unless you feel it is related.
Very good question.

Physical movement is a high grade form of energy; while entropy (which I said earlier, is the mover of collinear time) is deteriorated, or “bound” energy.

The use of high-grade energy to overcome entropy would slow down time.

Einsteinian relativity predicted that the higher the speed, the slower the time, until at the speed of light (which no solid body can reach) time would become zero.

This was demonstrated on the Apollo 17, the fastest manned vehicle ever used. Going to the moon and back at 11 km per second, it’s atomic clock lost 3 milliseconds, a huge difference, though nowhere near the speed of light.

So the directed application of energy, by countering entropy, can in effect slow down time.

i got a better one for you:
if a man speaks his mind in a forest and a woman was not there to hear it, is he still wrong?😃
there is actually a good lecture by prof. susskind on the multiverses and the flow of time. check it out.
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