What is wrong with kissing the Qu'ran?

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This ought to be good. I can’t wait to see how this is answered.
You will be waiting a long time if you do not know of Saint Francis and his deeds. There is much material on this subject and can be found at the local library or even online. What you can do in the meantime is probably **list all the Saints who have kissed the Qur’an and whether St Francis was one of them.

This ought to be good. I cannot wait to view your list.

This listing would of course be only logical, in your case, since I am sure you think that JP2 should be canonized.**
Hopes this helps with your confusion.

GOD bless.
By the way, what did St. Francis do exactly?
He did not Kiss the Qur’an now did he?

If I am not mistaken, many were martyred for not kissing the Qur’an.

I guess if some want to live, they would have Kissed a Book which represents Apostasy (since it denies both that Yeshua is divine and that the Most Holy Trinity is GOD), without considering what the circumstances may be.
I of course would never kiss the Qur’an.

How does any Catholic, let alone a Pope, Kiss a Book that Denies the Divinity of Yeshua and the Most Holy Trinity?
He obviously knew that the Qur’an is a Total Denial Of Christ, it is common knowledge. It cannot be justified since it is Utter nonsense.

Please cite a reference so that all can benefit from the statistics of acts of Kissing the Qur’an by Catholics and how often it occurs.
He did not Kiss the Qur’an now did he?

If I am not mistaken, many were martyred for not kissing the Qur’an.

I guess if some want to live, they would have Kissed a Book which represents Apostasy (since it denies both that Yeshua is divine and that the Most Holy Trinity is GOD), without considering what the circumstances may be.
I of course would never kiss the Qur’an.

How does any Catholic, let alone a Pope, Kiss a Book that Denies the Divinity of Yeshua and the Most Holy Trinity?
He obviously knew that the Qur’an is a Total Denial Of Christ, it is common knowledge. It cannot be justified since it is Utter nonsense.

Please cite a reference so that all can benefit from the statistics of acts of Kissing the Qur’an by Catholics and how often it occurs.
Whoa…let’s be fair here…We were discussing Benedict XVI and his interaction with some Muslims…

I said:
Now for the Benedict XVI praying part. How do we know what he was praying? Here’s an idea…The Holy Father is meeting with some Muslims. The Muslims say prayer and the Holy Father stands quietly looking at the ground, probably praying to the Lord to convert the Muslims. Then, the Imam says would you like to pray? The Holy Father closes his eyes and implores Holy Spirit to convert the Muslims. Is it really reasonable to assume that something else happened?
And you responded:
We know one thing for sure, he did not do what St Francis did when he preached Christ to Sultans (Muslims). That is what he should be doing and not a masonic ideology of Ecumenism.
Conversion to Christ for the Salvation of Souls is of the utmost importance any other dialog is, to say the least, secondary if not futile.
Then I said:
Generally though, it is helpful to speak to people if you wish to convert them. It is even helpful to start a conversation based upon a common belief that may be held. If you just shout “CONVERT NOW” you probably won’t have much luck. If you say, “so, you guys believe in an Almighty God?”
“Cool, so do we.”
“What’s your God like?” (note this is asked not because you necessarily care, but because it helps you to understand them and then tailor your communication to be more effective)
“Interesting…let me tell you what my God’s like…”
What I am proposing is not masonic, it’s just called basic communication between two human beings in order to show them the Truth.
By the way, what did St. Francis do exactly?
And then you respond by taking us back to kissing-koran-land (which, yes, I realize is the title of the thread, but was not something that you and I were discussing).

We were not talking about kissing korans. We were talking about Pope Benedict and his meeting. You said “he did not do what St. Francis did.” I had always heard that St. Francis reached out to the Muslims in relatively diplomatic fashion, unarmed, etc. Have I been misinformed? In fact, I imagine his conversations might have been much like the one I made up above.

Also, I thought I had presented a reasonable explanation as to how the meeting with Pope Benedict and the Muslims may have gone down. I’d really be interested to hear your response to that rather than a somewhat animated posting about “kissing korans”.

Yes, you have greatly distorted the facts below:
Since you both are all for kissing the Qur’an
Your words- your distortion. Don’t play games. You said it and if you bothered to read this thread, you know it’s not true. In fact it’s been stated just the opposite.

You might also now want to quite while your ahead. You’ve now said I’m wearing the shoes of an apostate/heretic.:eek:
You will be waiting a long time if you do not know of Saint Francis and his deeds. There is much material on this subject and can be found at the local library or even online. What you can do in the meantime is probably **list all the Saints who have kissed the Qur’an and whether St Francis was one of them.

This ought to be good. I cannot wait to view your list.

This listing would of course be only logical, in your case, since I am sure you think that JP2 should be canonized.**
Hopes this helps with your confusion.

GOD bless.
So, in other words, you’re not going to tell how St. Francis handled the Sultan? Really, if you’re going to make a statement, back it up.
You might also now want to quite while your ahead. You’ve now said I’m wearing the shoes of an apostate/heretic.:eek:
I have apostate/heretic shoes. I love them!

There’s just something about a heretic that makes such soft leather!
He did not Kiss the Qur’an now did he?

If I am not mistaken, many were martyred for not kissing the Qur’an.

I guess if some want to live, they would have Kissed a Book which represents Apostasy (since it denies both that Yeshua is divine and that the Most Holy Trinity is GOD), without considering what the circumstances may be.
I of course would never kiss the Qur’an.

How does any Catholic, let alone a Pope, Kiss a Book that Denies the Divinity of Yeshua and the Most Holy Trinity?
He obviously knew that the Qur’an is a Total Denial Of Christ, it is common knowledge. It cannot be justified since it is Utter nonsense.

Please cite a reference so that all can benefit from the statistics of acts of Kissing the Qur’an by Catholics and how often it occurs.
So, again, you must have a real problem with Fulton Sheen suggesting we use the truth in the Koran to bring the muslims to the Church.🤷 You also continue to make straw arguments. I don’t think either Sure or I said that we would kiss a Koran. That said, the act by JPII was not an act of apostasy. Are you saying it is? At least Daisiegirl said what she thought.
If I am not mistaken, many were martyred for not kissing the Qur’an.
I’m not saying this didn’t happen but do you have a list of these martyrs?
I have apostate/heretic shoes. I love them!

There’s just something about a heretic that makes such soft leather!
Mine are blue but since they can’t be seen, I’m trying to figure out how anybody knows about them.😉

Oh well, I guess I’ll better stop the silliness because next someone will get mad that I’m making light of their extremely ridiculous accusations. It’s probably imprudent to start the Popolator/Heretic/Apostate club.🤷
Mine are blue but since they can’t be seen, I’m trying to figure out how anybody knows about them.😉

Oh well, I guess I’ll better stop the silliness because next someone will get mad that I’m making light of their extremely ridiculous accusations. It’s probably imprudent to start the Popolator/Heretic/Apostate club.🤷
I didn’t think you could dye heretic skin…
I didn’t think you could dye heretic skin…
It’s amazing what you can do these days. Red’s about the only color you can’t get. Something about color of martyrs and heretics not mixing well. :rotfl:

This thread is closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.
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