They key difference though is that you hold Him bound to laws like the conservation of energy while I hold that He is outside of those laws because He created them.
Yes, I regard God as bound by the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, only because He did not create them.
However, there are no laws of physics “like the conservation of energy,” or like the 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics, so your analogy is false.
Other laws of physics are, to an extent arbitrary, and can be worked “outside of,” as you put it. But when man learns enough, we too may be able to work outside of those laws.
Consider the analogy of the Creator as a carpenter. The carpenter does not create the wood with which he works, but can shape it into a variety of forms— houses, furniture, toys, works of art, weapons, whatever. Once he puts a piece of wood into a particular form, he tends to be bound, when using it, by that form. The carpenter cannot effectively hunt deer by throwing chairs at them, and cannot comfortably sit on a bow and some arrows.
You come dangerously close to Stephen Hawkin claiming "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."
Bad thing to accuse me of. I’m not a Stephen Hawking fan, finding him wrong on almost everything. I don’t know that he said that the universe will create itself from nothing. If he did, he is a great nitwit, unless he cares to explain such an egregious violation of the first and second laws of thermodynamics in a single sentence. I seriously doubt that he would write that, and hope he did not.
I insist that all evidence from physics, biology, and microbiology points in the direction of a universe created by conscious intelligence. My theories propose the existence of such a being— quite a number of them, actually, and explain their origins. Kindly never accuse me of promoting an atheistic, nihilistic agenda.
I know you’ll resent that so here’s why: even if his premise is absolutely absurd, you’re both thus far not answering the same basic question:
WHY are the laws there in the first place?
This is an excellent question. You will find it answered in the book I’d best be getting back to writing.
Why something instead of nothing. Why order instead of chaos?
That, I do not and cannot explain. The only genuine miracle, IMO, is that anything whatsoever happens to exist. (Another excellent question. You are good at seeing the core issues of a subject, when you choose.)
Laws are necessary to hold order but the existence of the universe or its laws are not necessary in and of themselves. They don’t HAVE to be, yet they are. Why?
You are 3 for 3. I happily explain that one.