Somewhat related, I was at a Mass last weekend that used the Ignatius Pew Missal. What a treasure, with all the Latin-English side by side. Latin prayers in the liturgy and a scholar choir, too! (Yes, an OF Mass).
Wow! Good for you! After listening to discussion on Aquinas, i feel that is the area I need to learn. That’s why i am particularly interested in The New Saint Thomas Institute. Have you studied Aquinas in all your studies?
You also wrote:
Somewhat related, I was at a Mass last weekend that used the Ignatius Pew Missal. What a treasure, with all the Latin-English side by side. Latin prayers in the liturgy and a scholar choir, too! (Yes, an OF Mass).
That is another area I am interested in - the Missal… This is because we attend the Latin Mass more frequently these days - it has always been my husband’s favorite, but he is a serious student of Latin, and I am not. But I am really falling for the Latin mass now, I find myself yearning for it. So now I want to go more often.
But particularly, I love that the readings are the same every year. Because then, you always associate certain scriptures with certain times of the year. It becomes a part of your memory, who you are. That is important to me, and I think that is how we are wired as people, to have same things happen at same times and same times of the year. Like, it’s why we love holidays. So because of reflecting on that, I wanted a Latin Missal so I could read the daily Mass readings (in English!), and I figure that after about 3 years of this I would start having memories of the readings at those times of years, only increasing every year after that. And I think that will be very dear to me. And that is not possible on a three year rotation of readings that we have with the Novus Ordo.
So daily Mass readings from the EF’s one-year plan is one of the “habits” I want to add in my life (I don’t think there is a daily EF Mass near me to go to, but, if I am going to read the Mass readings daily, that is what I want to read because of that special memory-bonus).
So, after this excellent Missal review linked
here, I decided to order the Father Lasance Missal he recommended. That is also on it’s way (along with the catechism - and now also the one you mentioned is coming is coming - only $7 on Prime!).
P.S. I looked up the missal you mention - nice video review on the site,
here. The church looks lovely (and the singing sounds lovely!) and I love what the priest and the people say about the Mass. It’s nice to see a very beautiful pious Novus Ordo Mass. Where I used to live my church was like that, and I miss it. I don’t know of any like that around here. We are sort of “meat and potatoes” Novus Ordo Mass in this diocese, vs. “the congregation beautifully ascending into holy worship”, such as you see in that video. In fact, my local Daily Mass here is what you would have to really call a high-speed-Mass. : ( (But I am grateful to have a nearby Mass).