What is your fear?

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I’m deathly afraid of heights. We discovered this when I was nine and rode with my dad in a ski lift (in summer for mountain viewing) and I went into a total panic! I’ve never been able to get over it, either. I can fly in planes because I’m inside but can’t even get close to the edge of a cliff.
I’m deathly afraid of heights. We discovered this when I was nine and rode with my dad in a ski lift (in summer for mountain viewing) and I went into a total panic! I’ve never been able to get over it, either. I can fly in planes because I’m inside but can’t even get close to the edge of a cliff.
Probably just as well. You stay safe that way.
Thunder strikes me as the sweetest fear.

I mean… irrational-wise, yesterday I was laying on the couch with my feet up at the window. And I felt uncomfortable and took my feet down from the window, because I felt irrationally fearful that some random crazy person might shoot them.

I imagine I mostly got this fear from the rarest true-crime stories where they talk about people who do truly random violence without specific motivation against the victim. Or from TV depictions of things violently crashing through windows, or American inner-city crime dramas with drive-by shootings. (I live in no such area, though there was once a shootout with police outside a different apartment I lived in. Nothing came through a window, though once I realized it was gunshots I did get as far back from windows as I could, in case of accidental stray shot.)

But yeah, I recognize the statistical likelihood that someone just-out-to-cause-harm will see my body part in a window and decide to use it for target practice (or accidentally hurt me)… is minimal. Perhaps statistically near absolute zero. But my mind is niggled by it, so I don’t like putting my feet up by windows if from my angle I can’t also see out the window. And that kind of paranoia exasperates me with my own silliness that can’t just enjoy a simple posture without concern.
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I got a woman I’m interested in. It was horrifying just getting the courage to talk to her. I’m always afraid of saying something stupid.
We have a log home, and they build nests in the eaves over our deck and carport, and come inside when we open our doors. They’ve been in the blankets and even the sheets. We’ve learned to check before we get into bed. We also check our pillows, inside and out.

We try to spray and get rid of them outside, and do what we can to keep them out. They’re small insects and you’d be surprised the tiny crevices they can slip through. We’ve just learned to be watchful and alert.

Bright overhead lights attract them.
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