I have a BS Chemistry, 9 graduate credits in Environmental Science, and 1.5 credits (15 hrs) Catechist Training & Certification.
I think that we have to be careful with this question. In todays world I believe we pay too much attention to formal education.
The smartest, most well informed person I’ve ever known was my maternal grandmother. She had a fifth grade education in a one room school in Ireland. I quote her often, and find that I am still learing things that she knew.
The second smartest man I ever knew hadn’t quite finished high school. He worked for me in a chemical plant in the 60’s as a senior operator. I learned a great deal from him during that period in my life.
In my field I have worked with many highly educated people. Some of them were exceptional. However, I have seen many who never learned to think clearly or to critically evaluate information, and in fact seemed to have very little to show for their formal training.
I am not arguing against education, However never evaluate what anyone says based solely on his/her education.
Y’all probably think that I took this question too seriously. Actually, I didn’t but it made me think of Ellen and Tim, and for that I thank you.
May they rest in peace.