What is your level of education?

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BS in Mathematics and Chemistry, MS in Biochemistry, PhD in Biochemistry and Cell Physiology, and an MD.

I’ve been in school for 90% of my life!!! 🤓

Someday I’ll be forced to actually get a job. 😉
This is interesting. Not only are there so many educated posters, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

As for me, I have a law degree and work for an agency that helps victims of domestic violence. My husband has a BA in Secondary Education, but is a stay-at-home dad right now.
BS in Commerce and Engineering Sciences (Drexel - 1992)
MBA (Creighton, 1996)

(plus a BA conferred by the Central HS of Philadelphia, the only high school in the state of PA allowed to confer bachelors degrees) 🤓
High school graduate, some classes at junior college. Other than that, a lot of reading.
not nearly as wise as i hope to become… still a major work in progress 👍
one year of college and 20 years of military education…but it will soon be time to go back to school. I’m soon gonna retire and am looking at a second career. Leaning towards elementary ed. I would appreciate all your prayers that I make the right choices.

sgt. pat
BA English and Anthropology, University of Oregon. GO DUCKS!

Soon to be MA in English, University of Texas, El Paso.

Then comes the Phd in English from Fordham, Marquette, CUA, Boston College or one of those schools…
I have a BS Chemistry, 9 graduate credits in Environmental Science, and 1.5 credits (15 hrs) Catechist Training & Certification.
I think that we have to be careful with this question. In todays world I believe we pay too much attention to formal education.
The smartest, most well informed person I’ve ever known was my maternal grandmother. She had a fifth grade education in a one room school in Ireland. I quote her often, and find that I am still learing things that she knew.
The second smartest man I ever knew hadn’t quite finished high school. He worked for me in a chemical plant in the 60’s as a senior operator. I learned a great deal from him during that period in my life.
In my field I have worked with many highly educated people. Some of them were exceptional. However, I have seen many who never learned to think clearly or to critically evaluate information, and in fact seemed to have very little to show for their formal training.
I am not arguing against education, However never evaluate what anyone says based solely on his/her education.

Y’all probably think that I took this question too seriously. Actually, I didn’t but it made me think of Ellen and Tim, and for that I thank you.

May they rest in peace.
BA in Biology, MA level courses and work (but no degree since I wasn’t technically a student!:() in molecular immunology, and a JD.

B.S. in Civil Engineering, expecting the M.S. in Structural Engineering in December. I can not wait to be done.
Formal education is Highschool diploma,
I met and married my husband when I was 18 and he was 27 and one year later we had our first child, that was 11 years ago.
I hope to take some college classes once my youngest is in school full time, we live in a town with a college so that will be so nice for me.
My husband went back to school in 94 and he is now a master electrician and it was so neat watching him get to go to college and I look forward to my turn someday. 😃
Hi all,

I received a BA in Molecular and Cell biology from Cornell University back in '02. 🤓

Working on my PhD in genetics…hopefully I’ll finish before Christ returns! :banghead:

PS: Hi there Labchick! Nice to see another professional student on the boards!:cool: 👍
A Bachelor’s Degree(B.A.) from Fordham University(the Jesuit University of New York! Amen), major: Theology.
Arts Baccalaureate – Major English, Minor Religion

Some piffly graduate studies in English. I have a new job that will both require and justify my long-time desire to go on back to school. I’ll get the MA in English, and possibly also in Philosophy, depends on what I’m teaching at the time!
I have a BA in Sociology, which proved to be totally useless in finding a job to pay rent while I worked on my MSW, right now I’m working on an MPP degree.
I will have some college once I start in the fall, but for now I am a high school graduate
BBA concentration in accounting, currently working towards MBA concentration in accounting (may switch to MSA since its not as many credits!) 🙂
I have a BA in Psychology and an MS in Pastoral Counseling. I also have a certificate in Elem Ed and one in Psychology.

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