What kind of animals do y'all like?

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Leaving aside pet animals, my husband and I love all kinds of wildlife, but we especially love elk! Where we live, there are lots of them, and we get a thrill hearing the bulls bugle during the mating season and we love seeing them roam around our home. They are such majestic creatures!
We have elk in South Carolina (believe it or not), depending on what you mean by the word “elk”. Apparently moose can also be referred to ask elk. I should probably point out that elk were hunted to extinction here, but a different subspecies was introduced to the Smoky Mountains, and they eventually made their way to the northern part of the state. I did not know that the Smokies had elk in it, and I was kind of freaking out when I saw that they were there.
Miniature donkeys are just so cute. Arnold Schwarzenegger has one named Lulu and he keeps it in the house.
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This is what I mean by elk (also called wapiti). These pics were taken by a friend of mine (we live in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico). The second pic is of a bull elk she named Spike. He’s already shed his antlers and is growing his new ones.
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We get frogs around our pool every year. I will let you have them for free!
My husband and son capture them and enter them into the frog relocation program. 🐸
I remember lying doing without my shirt on (because, deep south), and I felt something cold on my stomach…and it was a tree frog. I live in the woods, and I have a small pond. I’m just asking for them, I know.
I am not sure what kind they are actually. Are tree frogs noisy at night?
Leaving aside pet animals, my husband and I love all kinds of wildlife, but we especially love elk! Where we live, there are lots of them, and we get a thrill hearing the bulls bugle during the mating season and we love seeing them roam around our home. They are such majestic creatures!
I take it you either don’t have a garden, or else you have a very high, solid fence.
I like cats and dogs mostly. I have five cats and two dogs. I used to have seven cats, but two of them died and now there’s five. They’re like my sons and daughters; that’s what I consider them. They’re more than just pets.
Neither. The barbed wire fences around us are constantly down. The neighbors cuss them out sometimes, but when the conservation officer reported that a lot of elk were found dead from eating oleanders, everyone was upset and on the lookout for the oleander plants (which are not native to our area, so someone had them in their garden, probably unaware that they are deadly to ingest.
It’s my precious babys birthday (leo) my yorkie
He had roast beef and honey dew. 1 year old.

I love him so much 💕
Neither. The barbed wire fences around us are constantly down. The neighbors cuss them out sometimes, but when the conservation officer reported that a lot of elk were found dead from eating oleanders, everyone was upset and on the lookout for the oleander plants (which are not native to our area, so someone had them in their garden, probably unaware that they are deadly to ingest.
And sometimes seeds to these toxic plants get dropped by birds or are carried on the wind and sprout in the places they land.

A few years ago, I found a small rosette of fern-like leaves growing in the middle of one of my flowerbeds. I had not planted anything like that, but I let it grow, just to see what it turned out to be. I recognized the mature plant as being Poison Hemlock. It got to be a good six feet tall, with flower clusters that look a lot like Queen Anne’s Lace. I knew the difference because of the purple splotches along the hollow stems. I kept it that season, but cut it down and dug it completely out after the gardening season ended. Little rosettes started volunteer on their own from the seeds it dropped, and I dug those out, too. It’s completely gone from my garden, now.
Sharks, particularly Carcharodon carcharias…otherwise known as the Great White. But you knew that by my avatar! 😉

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I love dogs and cats, most pet birds, guinea pigs, rats and mice, rabbits, ferrets, horses, tropical and cold water aquarium fish and also marine fish.
In the past “musk” was a popular scent for ladies to wear - a fragrance in body sprays and perfumes. Unfortunately male cats also like this scent!
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