Personally I’d love to see some real Church leadership on these things (laws I guess) but as it stands right now I think they are up to the individual persons.
I don’t like communion in the hand I think its irreverent and dangerous (falling crumbs). It there’s no tradition for it and really only practiced here in America. I also think it makes us to familiar and Familiarity breeds contempt.
A logical rational that I have heard is its a coming of age and as far as precedence in the hand is done everywhere (if you watch a televised Mass at the Vatican you will see it there as well) and I am sure communion intiated this way in the first century. There has been a desire to return to the simpicity of the early church in an ecumenical spirit. I think I heard somewhere that communion in the hand was actually practiced before it was approved. Initiating in Canada I believe if memory serves me correctly.
I’m also not a fan of communion under both species (for the congregation) because I feel it confuses people and again make people too familiar. Each crumb of the host or drop of wine fully contains the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord. Communion under both specie seem to send signals that you have that you have to receive both to get both. In fact I have run in to many Catholics that think this.
Anyway that’s my opinion
On the bright side it gets us thinking about the Eucharist and for those who may have become complacant or lukewarm I think this is a very good thing.I think people should be encouraged to be involved and to think a little for themselves. For to long to much emphasis has been placed in the wrong places.