What sort of rosary do you use?

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I make crocheted rosaries, so that is mostly what I pray with, too. I have a couple plastic/cord ones that I found on the net.
I want to get one made of olive wood. I want the feeling of connection with the Holy Land & our Lord. Someday…
I have a beautiful one my mother made for me for my first communion. It has clear glass beads that are cut in facets, silver links, and a silver crucifix. There is also a medal attached to the lower section that she sent away to the Vatican for. It is made of blue enamel and has the Virgin Mary on one side andPope Paul VI on the other, and I remember her telling me it was blessed by the Pope. When she gave it to me, it was in this little brocade purse. I still have it to this day, and that is the Rosary I use.

Aunt Martha
my crystal clear first communion rosary which is now 43 yrs old.
made of olive wood, blessed in Jerusalem, has some dirt in the center part from where Jesus was baptised.
I only own one so far. It’s wooden. And I need to start using it more. I think my biggest discouragement is that I don’t have the Mysteries memorized. I used to say it in my car, but having to read about the Mysteries in order to meditate upon them better as I’m saying it got a little dangerous and distracting.

I better get to memorizing. 😃
My rosary is made by my sister, so that is a benifit and it is strong to. I also have one made by my friend. But the type doesn’t matter to me, it could be plastic and it is just as good a gold one that a popes used and it wouldn’t make a diference.
Even though I have others, wood, beads, I mainly use plastic. As a matter of fact, my favourite one that I use most often, is a glow-in-the-dark one that I bought for under a dollar. If something happens to it, I can break a one dollar bill to replace it & not feel so bad. ALSO, I know the corpus will never fall off because he’s molded in there. AND, I can find it at night. 🙂
The beads on mine are made from crushed jasmine petals (white). They smelled really strong (and good) when I first was given them. I’ve been using this set everyday for six months and they still smell good (although not as strong sadly).

They’re a cool set. My girlfriend got them at the Knights of Columbus museum so the medal on it has their emblem and the crucifix is the one on JPII’s staff.
Isn’t it like… blasphemy do be talking about this kind of stuff? I thought that “worshippers of wood, gold, or metals” (or something like that) would be thrown into the lake of fire? I know that we aren’t worshipping the Rosary, but still, is it really right to worry about the material that the Rosary is made of?
Isn’t it like… blasphemy do be talking about this kind of stuff? I thought that “worshippers of wood, gold, or metals” (or something like that) would be thrown into the lake of fire? I know that we aren’t worshipping the Rosary, but still, is it really right to worry about the material that the Rosary is made of?
I don’t think that anyone here is worshiping the rosary, or even worrying about what kind they use – just comparing what kinds they have.

You can pray the rosary on any kind of rosary beads, or without beads at all (I was watching a TV show where a woman talked about counting the prayers on her baby’s toes!)
Isn’t it like… blasphemy do be talking about this kind of stuff? I thought that “worshippers of wood, gold, or metals” (or something like that) would be thrown into the lake of fire? I know that we aren’t worshipping the Rosary, but still, is it really right to worry about the material that the Rosary is made of?
Who’s worrying? People talk about the kind of engines in their cars or the ingredients in their favorite food. There’s nothing wrong with discussing how objects are made. Have you been talking to anti-Catholics?
Isn’t it like… blasphemy do be talking about this kind of stuff? I thought that “worshippers of wood, gold, or metals” (or something like that) would be thrown into the lake of fire? I know that we aren’t worshipping the Rosary, but still, is it really right to worry about the material that the Rosary is made of?
You could say that about anything really. What if one is building a new house? Should he not think about the wood to be used for framing it? What about the pipes for the plumbing?

God has blessed us with many things that we can use. As long as we are not worshipping those objects, but instead worshipping Him, there is no problem with it.

Aunt Martha
Who’s worrying? People talk about the kind of engines in their cars or the ingredients in their favorite food. There’s nothing wrong with discussing how objects are made. Have you been talking to anti-Catholics?
Unfortunately, I’m a Catholic in a world of non-believers/haters of Catholics. More than half of my friends are atheists, and often attack my religion, though I always stand strong and end out on top. I’ve been praying for them to convert, but so far, to no success.
Sorry, it just seemed a bit materialistic to me to be worrying about what our Rosaries are made of.
Unfortunately, I’m a Catholic in a world of non-believers/haters of Catholics. More than half of my friends are atheists, and often attack my religion, though I always stand strong and end out on top. I’ve been praying for them to convert, but so far, to no success.
Sorry, it just seemed a bit materialistic to me to be worrying about what our Rosaries are made of.
No problem. We seem to get accused of worshipping wood and plaster a lot around here:whacky: .

Good for you standing strong. Hopefully you’ll rub off on your friends.
I want to get one made of olive wood. I want the feeling of connection with the Holy Land & our Lord. Someday…
There is a seller on ebay called something like Christian Quarter. They have rosaries made out of olive wood, and are based in the Holy Land. Their prices are very reasonable. Some are scented with jasmine and some have water form the Jordan River in the Mary medal. Wonderful work and usually reaches you from Jerusalem in less than ten days. I have bought a few rosaries form them as gifts.
Ooo, my favorites are ones with wooden beads, but right now, I have one with little plastic beads.

I use whatever rosary I have on hand. It doesn’t really matter to me. Usually it’s the cheap plastic one that hangs on my rearview mirror, since I pray it on the way to work. My rosary ring comes in handy when I want to be discreet, like when I went to a viewing of the Passion at a Baptist church. Rather than cause a disruption by possibly disturbing some of the Baptists in the audience, I prayed the sorrowful mysteries with my ring.
I have several rosaries from different periods in my life. I made one in second grade of blue and pink plastic beads, and I have a mother of pearl one from my First Communion. I have others that have just appeared in my life.

I have the wooden rosary my father prayed before his death, and until a few weeks ago I had the crystal rosary that my mother had with her when she died. I sent it to a niece who is in the grasp of Wicca – I prayed for a sign from God to understand how to help her, and He allowed my mother to come to me and say, “Send her my rosary,” so I did. My niece is now exploring Marian theology and is considering a return to the Church.

I also make rosaries, usually out of Swarovski crystal, and I made myself one out of real pearls (my birthstone).

The rosary I pray daily, though, is wood and was blessed by the Holy Father during the Jubilee in 2000.

I use a wooden bead at home and a nylon knotted cord rosary on the go.
Mine is made out of Connemara marble which is from Ireland. It has gorgeous square ‘beads’ which are varying degree’s of green, grey and black… You can view these online, but I have yet to see one exactly like mine. There is one with round beads online, which has the same crucifix and medal as mine.

Peace to all
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