What sort of rosary do you use?

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My rosary has been blessed by Pope John Paul II 3 times. Its like a super rosary. šŸ˜ƒ
Hello, my name is Katy and I am a rosary addictā€¦

Actually, I have difficulty sitting still, so I mostly pray the one that hangs from my rear view mirror, and only then when traffic isnā€™t too bad.

Anyway, I have several. I donā€™t have any that are truly expensive - I just canā€™t part with the moola for anything like that. If I ever get back to Rome, I will buy one on the, um, big avenue leading up to St. Peters (Iā€™ve only heard that name a coupla dozen times this weekā€¦ canā€™t remember it now.) I wasnā€™t Catholic the last time I was there, but if I go back, Iā€™ll get one and have the shop get it blessed unless I can get it done myself.

(BTW, when someone says ā€œblessed by the Popeā€ do they mean the Pope actually blessed it, or do they mean they had it with them at St. Peterā€™s Square during one of the big, public audiences and it got blessed along with everything/everyone else in the square?)

Somebody is always leaving these really bright, pretty plastic rosaries in the back of the Cincinnatiā€™s Cathedral. My favorite one has bright blue plastic beads with clear fuschia Our Father beads.

I still have the blue plastic and cord rosary I got for free from some web site that will send you one free. That was when I first wanted to learn to pray the Rosary.

(Actually, I FIRST learned to pray the Rosary on my Palm Pilot - itā€™s an awesome program!)

I have only a couple ā€œfancyā€ ones - a rose petal one that I like, a pretty opaque glass beaded one, and this ostentatious ā€œpearlā€ and gold one from the Missionary Oblates. (What do the Missionary Oblates DO, besides sell rosaries?)

I keep a cheap plastic on in my purse to pray on, as well as another cheap one to give away in case I ever come across someone who needs one.

I actually have several rosaries, and I feel silly about it, as Iā€™ll almost certainly never use them all. I just picked up another this morning at Church: but mostly because it had one of those cool screw-top containers with a picture of Our Lady on itā€¦
(BTW, when someone says ā€œblessed by the Popeā€ do they mean the Pope actually blessed it, or do they mean they had it with them at St. Peterā€™s Square during one of the big, public audiences and it got blessed along with everything/everyone else in the square?)
It dosnā€™t really matterā€¦but in my case it was the blessing of the Rosaries at WYD
I have 2 rosaries. One is very pretty with blue glass beads. The other is white plastic and blessed by Pope John Paul II.
I have a very interesting Rosary story. Let me start off by saying that Iā€™ve been discerning a vocation the the diocesan priesthood (well my discernment is really over, Iā€™m just tying up some personal things before officially applying to the Archdiocese). Anyhow, I had been having a really dry period of prayer all throughout Lent. Even though I knew better, I had let it begin to affect me - I started praying less often and skipping my usual holy hours. So, the Sunday before Holy Week, I got down on me knees and asked God if he really wanted me, since I was so easily discouraged.

Well two days later our parish had Eucharistic Adoration for vocations (go figure) and as I finished my prayers and was getting up to sign the log, the woman in the pew in front of me came over and asked if she could talk to me. I had briefly met her a couple of weeks before, and figured she had a question, so I followed her to the narthex. When she got there, she pulled out a Rosary and said ā€œIā€™m supposed to give this to you, youā€™ll make a great priest,ā€ then walked away. My jaw hit the floor since I had never told her that I was in discernment, and considering my prayer.

Well it turns out that she had been praying to hear Godā€™s voice, and she says that when she finally did, He told her to give me the Rosary! It turns out she had been saving up for it for 3 years. She finally got it Monday, then gave it to me Tuesday. Wow!

Anyhow, hereā€™s the link to a picture, itā€™s really unusual:


Mine actually has a different crucufix, but the rest is the sameā€¦
I have a very interesting Rosary story. Let me start off by saying that Iā€™ve been discerning a vocation the the diocesan priesthood (well my discernment is really over, Iā€™m just tying up some personal things before officially applying to the Archdiocese). Anyhow, I had been having a really dry period of prayer all throughout Lent. Even though I knew better, I had let it begin to affect me - I started praying less often and skipping my usual holy hours. So, the Sunday before Holy Week, I got down on me knees and asked God if he really wanted me, since I was so easily discouraged.

Well two days later our parish had Eucharistic Adoration for vocations (go figure) and as I finished my prayers and was getting up to sign the log, the woman in the pew in front of me came over and asked if she could talk to me. I had briefly met her a couple of weeks before, and figured she had a question, so I followed her to the narthex. When she got there, she pulled out a Rosary and said ā€œIā€™m supposed to give this to you, youā€™ll make a great priest,ā€ then walked away. My jaw hit the floor since I had never told her that I was in discernment, and considering my prayer.

Well it turns out that she had been praying to hear Godā€™s voice, and she says that when she finally did, He told her to give me the Rosary! It turns out she had been saving up for it for 3 years. She finally got it Monday, then gave it to me Tuesday. Wow!

Anyhow, hereā€™s the link to a picture, itā€™s really unusual:


Mine actually has a different crucufix, but the rest is the sameā€¦
Wow!!! Your story made me cry!!:crying: I think it is so wonderful and I am so glad that you shared it with us. We all dream of having God speak to us and He spoke so powerfully through her. God Bless and Iā€™m sure you will make a WONDERFUL Priest!!:blessyou:
Mtr01ā€“WOW!! What a story! God bless her for her obedience and God bless you for sharing this with us!

I have a blue crystal rosary (my first after my conversion at age 26 in 1972) which is my favorite; I also have an Irish Celtic rosary with large square green beads (I forget what stone they are) which hangs in my bedroom; I have a St. Terese wood bead chaplet (she is my Patron Saint because my birthday is Oct. 1); and I just visited the Basilica of San Juan (if youā€™re ever in San Juan, TX, please make this a ā€œmust seeā€) where I just bought a pink zircon rosary (my ā€œartificialā€ birthstone) and a Divine Mercy rosary, which I used today as I watched the Divine Mercy in Song on EWTN (what a moving experience!). Oh, yesā€¦I almost forgotā€¦I also just bought a new rosary for my purse when I visited The Immaculate Conception Cathedral gift shop here in Brownsville, TX.

I think Iā€™m starting a collection! šŸ™‚
Mtr01ā€“WOW!! What a story! God bless her for her obedience and God bless you for sharing this with us!
Thank you and huskerfan both for your kind and supportive comments! šŸ™‚
My wife & I make our own rosariesā€¦so I have hematite, glass, and various other beaded rosariesā€¦My wife made one with little cast rosesā€¦its beautiful!
My favorite that I sometimes use is a Tears of Job rosary, which I carry in my purse. I love the varying shades of white and gray of the beads. It reminds me of the sky in winter time or the sea when its color is gray.

The one I use most often though, is white plastic, that hangs from my rearview mirror. Iā€™ve had it since about 3rd grade; I think my CCD teacher gave one to our whole class.

I love the crushed rose petal rosaries. I gave one to my mother for Motherā€™s Day one year and she loves it. The smell has kind of diminished a little, but I always associate the fragrance with my mama: sweet and clean, sort of a soapy scent.
Right now I have purple crystals, my birthstone and favorite color.

However, my most beloved rosary had wood beads and was given to us by our pastor, obtained from the Holy Land, for my brother who was in a coma for almost 5 years before he died. He had been relatively stable for most of those years when I decided to say a scriptural rosary for his healing. It was 30 days of petition and 30 days of thanksgivingā€¦he died 3 days after I finished the 60 days! After all those years of hanging in there, I had to get this brilliant idea and he dies? I told God. Of course, he was healed but not in the way that I wanted.

Anyway, we go to see his little body at the funeral home. There in his hands are black rosary beads with no connection to him. I told my mother about the wood beads from the Holy Land that were hopefully fingered with much faith and the next day we made sure they were in his hands. A small comfort, but it helped to make the good bye not seem so lonely.
I have several Rosarys. The one I use the most is actuall a cheap plastic one that has a piece snapped off. Iā€™m sort of attached to it, I donā€™t know why.

But my favorite one would probably be a Rosary that touched the bone of St. Faustina. So now itā€™s a third class relic.šŸ™‚
I use the one God gave me. There at the end of my arms. 10 fingers. No searching for it.
I use my Knights of Columbus Rosary. Most of my other ones are broken, and I donā€™t know how to fix them. I have a few intact ones that have not been blessed yet (I keep forgetting to take them with me when I go to Mass), but I will use them if I have misplaced my Knights of Columbus rosary. (Donā€™t anyone think about telling me the prayers are no good unless the rosary has been blessed- that is ridiculous- a friend told me that once, so I know some people think like that- a prayerā€™s efficacy doesnā€™t depend on whether or not the object you use to pray has been blessed by a priest)
Mine is wooden, made in Medjugorie and blest by John Paul II. It was bought for me by a nun that went to Medjugorie on a ā€œvacationā€ She barely knows me, but she bought one for me and one for each of my children. I think that is what means the most to me. You see she lives in Pennsylvannia (I live in Illinois) and is my mothers boss. I met her at my brothers wedding, she has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard (she sang at the wedding). When she was in Medjugorie she became very ill and had to be medivacā€™d to the US to get the proper medical care. Still she thought of my children and I. My rosary is very special to me, even though I own others, that is my constant companion.
the rosary I use is made from black cocoa beads,made by carmelite nuns. The 2nd one is olive wood beads, made in jersualem. The black one is blessed:)
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