To answer this question, you have to put it in cultural perspective. Go to Spain (or most European countries) and you’ll see that everybody, their mother, and all the priests (including the conservative ones I spent alot of time with) swear like sailors. Does this make it right? Of course not. But it could point out that the idea that swearing is somehow sinful stems from our culture…in this case, our predominently Protestant culture (this is a much, much bigger sin in the Prot world).
That said, I think swearing can be sinful (or at least some low level of scandal) if such words are used in the wrong society. I think swearing in any public situation is tasteless at best and sinful at worse. On the other hand, swearing in private may be entirely appropriate…ie, with a group of intimate friends.
Another problem with swearing is if it habitually done. If so, this is plainly and simply lazy language.
Lastly, swearing, as someone else remarked, often indicates a possibly sinful emotion/passion.
That said, I think swearing can be sinful (or at least some low level of scandal) if such words are used in the wrong society. I think swearing in any public situation is tasteless at best and sinful at worse. On the other hand, swearing in private may be entirely appropriate…ie, with a group of intimate friends.
Another problem with swearing is if it habitually done. If so, this is plainly and simply lazy language.
Lastly, swearing, as someone else remarked, often indicates a possibly sinful emotion/passion.