What the *****?

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We just spent a week with our entire family (our family, sister’s family, brother’s family & my parents) out of town for a wedding.

My brother-in-law constantly uses J**** C***** and G** in vain. His teenage girls also use the tems constantly. We were in the French Quarter of New Orleans and in front of the Cathedral were palm readers. While one in the group was having her palm read others were watching and taking it all in. However, my mom and I wanted to see the Cathedral. My bil and brother and sister refused to enter because they are athiests. My mom mentioned to me that she was surprised my bil didn’t want to enter since he talks about God all the time.

Later, on the way back to the hotel from the wedding. I was driving a van load of family members, including my bil. He was complaining about the “hoity toity dressy” wedding (to which he wore a brand new pair of blue jeans for the occassion) and using JC and G** as he usually does. I guess it was after hearing it all week I couldn’t take it any longer. Finally I said, “Would you please stop taking the Lord’s name in vain?” He said it’s just a word and doesn’t mean anything. I responded by saying that it does to some of us and was very offensive used in that way and could he please try to find another word to use. I didn’t hear him use it any more during the trip.
In what society? Sadly, in the modern American society it seems perfectly acceptable. :mad:

For those interested, there’s an old poll on these fora about four-letter words, here:
Then again, some yo yo’s in modern America, don’t always know what a word means. LOL! I had a young nit wit chew me out for cussing. Problem …She was not part of the conversation. She just overheard myself and another person. I was refering to a female Dog under the proper term for breeding, which was what the discussion was about. :rotfl: :rotfl:
katybird said:
“F-ed Up Beyond All Recognition”

I’m pretty sure it originated as a military acronym - FUBAR.

It’s close cousin is SNAFU - Situation Normal, All F’d Up.
I’m so bad when it comes to swearing. I manage to keep the God and Jesus swearing to a minimum, but the other words are my downfall. I work at trying to substitute different expressions in normal conversation, if that’s when I’m tempted to use a bad word. It’s very hard though when I hurt myself, or something very startling happens, and I just blurt the word out without thinking. I’m hoping that if I break the habit in normal speech, sudden speech will stop being so profane too.

I was always told that swearing is a sin, whether it’s blasphemous or not. I always confess it, even if I haven’t said anything bad but f*** and s*** for the past month.
I used to know the origins of “foobar” (a programming term in it’s infancy), but I don’t recall it any more. Considering the source, it was probably not for polite company.

Carose -

Fubar stands for (F-word)ed beyond all recognition.

However there is also Mubar…

Which is Messed up beyond all recognition …
I’m pretty sure it originated as a military acronym - FUBAR.

It’s close cousin is SNAFU - Situation Normal, All F’d Up.

To me language is a toolbox

Every good toolbox has both the fine delicate little things for precise work as well as sledge hammers when you need to break through something or drive a point home.

The occasional scatological word, the obscenity, or even a profanity has its place. Sometimes it is pure poetry

Although, I know some people whose conversation is almost 50% four letter words. It is a shame really. It makes them sound like idiots. Too much of anything is a bad idea.
Some of my favorite substitute words:

Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea!!

Begonias! Also used as an unflattering noun, as in, “She’s such a big begonia.”

Well, I AM from a lower-class background, and I’m not at all ashamed of it 😛 . I don’t mind swearing, but I do have a problem with blaspheming, and I’m working on that. As others have noted, other cultures, particularily European ones, use cuss words an awful lot in everyday speech, regardless of social standing. I actually think that one of the reasons it is considered “low-class” in American culture is because immigrants from Europe (often devout Catholics, mind you)generally started out at the bottom of the social ladder, and they brought their speech patterns with them to this country.

This isn’t to say that people should embrace such talk. If it offends you, cut it off! It just doesn’t happen to offend me, nor does it set off “blasphemy warning bells” in my brain, as many things do. I think it CAN be a mortal sin if you believe it offends God and you persist in doing it anyway. At that point your intent is disrespect regardless of your actions.
Well, I’m not a fan of cussing and I don’t do it. I have even tried to cut down on the number of substitute words that I use, and just deal with my frustration in other ways.

What is your opinion about cussing? Is it a serious sin? I know of someone who won’t even allow substitute words for cussing such and dar n, shoot, heck, phooey, etc. I think that there needs to be some way to express the feelings that go along with these words. There have to be some substitute words.
Invective is the last resort of the lout.
Father forgive me …I am terrible about cussing! I try not to, really I do. My Children are now helping me by shouting EARMUFFS when I cuss as a reminder that they don’t think I should be using such words in front of children. God Bless them for helping me change a very bad habbit. Occasionally they too have said words that they shouldn’t, while I still correct them, it is a reminder that they probaby learned it from me so I try harder…Kids are great reminders of our responsibilities!
So what do you think Mother Theresa said when she stubbed her toe?
I think the idea should be to submit everything to God, even our frustrations.
This, mind you, from the woman who yelled “S—!” this morning when I burned my finger on the stove. I’m working on it, though. These incidents just serve as reminders of how far I have to go to be the person God intends me to be.
just think we are works of God in progress. We aren’t perfect, but we are great!!! heheheee
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