What this site has tought me

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What this site has tought me is that I have been told a lot about what Roman Catholics believe that wasn’t true. Also Roman Catholics have been told a lot about what the likes of I believe that are also not true.

It’s good to talk isn’t it?
What this site has tought me is that I have been told a lot about what Roman Catholics believe that wasn’t true. Also Roman Catholics have been told a lot about what the likes of I believe that are also not true.

It’s good to talk isn’t it?
It is indeed. 🙂

Just out of curiosity, what were some of the misconceptions that Catholics in these forums had about “the likes of you”?
What this site has tought me is that I have been told a lot about what Roman Catholics believe that wasn’t true. Also Roman Catholics have been told a lot about what the likes of I believe that are also not true.

It’s good to talk isn’t it?
It is good to talk…it is even better to “listen”. What I find most disturbing on this forum is we still “speak past one another”…we still have a “fear” that should God be experienced in another faith tradition, that somehow it negates our own…we find the need to tell each other how wrong “their god” is and how right “our God” is.

We tend to not recongnize that the Lover of our souls, the One who became one of us for our sake, meets us where we are at and draws us to Himself as a Lover. Unity of belief is tantamount to some, unity of ritual to others…but no real unity will ever be realized until we have a unity in how we treat one another, with love, respect and at times we need to be tender to each other, bullies rarely win, oh they may be stronger and tougher and bigger and they may be able to “silence” the one they have chosen to disdain, but this stops our learning of one another…

We should speak to one another with a tender heart, seeking to “incarnate” the love and mercy of God into our lives for each other. We may be separated brethren…but we are brethren still.

I pray for a unity of love and mercy…bullies will assert themselves still I am sure, but compassionate and tender love for one another “covers a multitude of sins.”
It is good to talk…it is even better to “listen”. What I find most disturbing on this forum is we still “speak past one another”…we still have a “fear” that should God be experienced in another faith tradition, that somehow it negates our own…we find the need to tell each other how wrong “their god” is and how right “our God” is.

We tend to not recongnize that the Lover of our souls, the One who became one of us for our sake, meets us where we are at and draws us to Himself as a Lover. Unity of belief is tantamount to some, unity of ritual to others…but no real unity will ever be realized until we have a unity in how we treat one another, with love, respect and at times we need to be tender to each other, bullies rarely win, oh they may be stronger and tougher and bigger and they may be able to “silence” the one they have chosen to disdain, but this stops our learning of one another…

We should speak to one another with a tender heart, seeking to “incarnate” the love and mercy of God into our lives for each other. We may be separated brethren…but we are brethren still.

I pray for a unity of love and mercy…bullies will assert themselves still I am sure, but compassionate and tender love for one another “covers a multitude of sins.”
Before I started talking to Publisher, my mental picture of the Society of Friends was shaped by Westerns. I did not know too much about the actual functioning of their faith. Now, I do know more and I am thankful for it.

Yes, we all need to talk and LISTEN more. All of us have issues with it sometimes.
Omayn! Omayn! Omayn! 😃

I’ve learned a lot here too. Somethings are not as easy to take in as others. But I appreciate the patience and thoughtfulness of so many of the posters here.
For me, what’s even nicer than talking, or listening, is to think.

It is a shame that it seems that too many people don’t realize that when someone opposes their views, they are being done a favor. Resistance builds strength, whether it is muscle, or faith.
Yes there are many misconseptions of the catholic church, what needs to happen is protestant churches need to start teaching on their beliefs and not against ours. Just leave RCC out of there sermans.
Yes there are many misconseptions of the catholic church, what needs to happen is protestant churches need to start teaching on their beliefs and not against ours. Just leave RCC out of there sermans.
Well I never went to a Protestant church that taught anything at all about Catholics…
The only reason for the Protestant churches to exist is because they don’t agree with the church. They protest. Their very basis for existence lies on the premise that the church is wrong on number of accounts.

The tragedy is often times, not all the times, Protestants believe what they think Catholics believe and not what Catholics actually believe. If this forum can help in clearing up the misconception then it’s a positive achievement.
Well I never went to a Protestant church that taught anything at all about Catholics…
Most of the time the “teaching” is implicit, such as when they have Reformation Sunday. I don’t begrudge the protestants for teaching against Ctatholicsm because it is inevitabel that they would so do. They exist because their forefathers were Catholics, they could not exist if it weren’t for the Catholic Church by the power of the Holy Ghost preserving and propagating the faith the Jesus established. In fact I think this is a good thing the fact that many protestants keep mentioning the rebellion, because it reminds them that we are still here, we didn’t go away, and we are calling them home.
Most of misconceptions about RCC can be traced way back to writings of founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison who were heavily influenced by John Locke.
Most of the time the “teaching” is implicit, such as when they have Reformation Sunday. I don’t begrudge the protestants for teaching against Ctatholicsm because it is inevitabel that they would so do. They exist because their forefathers were Catholics, they could not exist if it weren’t for the Catholic Church by the power of the Holy Ghost preserving and propagating the faith the Jesus established. In fact I think this is a good thing the fact that many protestants keep mentioning the rebellion, because it reminds them that we are still here, we didn’t go away, and we are calling them home.
I never even heard of Reformation Sunday till about a year ago. I’ve been Protestant all my life too.
It is indeed. 🙂

Just out of curiosity, what were some of the misconceptions that Catholics in these forums had about “the likes of you”?
Some Catholics believe that

1, All Protestants believe the bread and wine are merely symbolic.

2, All Protestants believe in The Rapture.

3, All Protestants believe that The Roman Catholic Church is The Hoar of Babylon.

4, All Protestants adhere to Calvin’s predestination nonsense.

5, All Protestants hav no respect for Church History.

6, All Protestants disagree with The Roman Catholic Doctrine on baptism.

7, All Protestants think that RC’s are idolaters.

8, All Protestants believe that RC’s don’t believe The Bible.

9, All Protestants don’t believe RC’s are Christians

10, All Protestants think that having ash on your head on Ash Wednesday is a pagan custom.

When in fact it is ‘some’ not ‘all.’

There are so many so called Protestant beliefs that the majority of the reformers disagreed with I call my self a Reformed Catholic to dissociate with them. 😦
It is good to talk…it is even better to “listen”. What I find most disturbing on this forum is we still “speak past one another”…we still have a “fear” that should God be experienced in another faith tradition, that somehow it negates our own…we find the need to tell each other how wrong “their god” is and how right “our God” is.

We tend to not recongnize that the Lover of our souls, the One who became one of us for our sake, meets us where we are at and draws us to Himself as a Lover. Unity of belief is tantamount to some, unity of ritual to others…but no real unity will ever be realized until we have a unity in how we treat one another, with love, respect and at times we need to be tender to each other, bullies rarely win, oh they may be stronger and tougher and bigger and they may be able to “silence” the one they have chosen to disdain, but this stops our learning of one another…

We should speak to one another with a tender heart, seeking to “incarnate” the love and mercy of God into our lives for each other. We may be separated brethren…but we are brethren still.

I pray for a unity of love and mercy…bullies will assert themselves still I am sure, but compassionate and tender love for one another “covers a multitude of sins.”
Anything that contradicts The Creeds I can not except by listening to my concience. Therfore I have to refute them.
Yes there are many misconseptions of the catholic church, what needs to happen is protestant churches need to start teaching on their beliefs and not against ours. Just leave RCC out of there sermans.
You are probably talking about ‘proteastant’ churches where some one preaches on Martin Luther without having a clue what Martin Luther actually siad.
Well I never went to a Protestant church that taught anything at all about Catholics…
Anglicans and Lutherans tend not to bother. They like to be in the 21st century rather than the 17th. I’ve heard anti RC sermons in other denominations though. The fruit from which is always rancid.
The only reason for the Protestant churches to exist is because they don’t agree with the church. They protest. Their very basis for existence lies on the premise that the church is wrong on number of accounts.

The tragedy is often times, not all the times, Protestants believe what they think Catholics believe and not what Catholics actually believe. If this forum can help in clearing up the misconception then it’s a positive achievement.
A few Years ago some Lutheran Pastors and RC Priests got together and signed a declaration that they wanted the two churches to discuss Justification by Faith. Unfortunatley two weeks Later Pope John Paul II gave away a load of indulgencies.

Even though we are Catholic, we have in the past listened to non-Catholic Christian radio and/or put on the TV to Protestant broadcasts before attending Mass on Sunday morning. Two instances of anti-Catholicism stand out in my mind–

The first was when Dr. James Dobson on the radio said he admired Mother Teresa for the work she was doing, but it was too bad that she clung to Catholic belief. This really left a bad taste in my mouth, and even though I had listened to him often and had found his program very worthy, I basically stopped listening after that as I did not want to hear more of that sentiment. The second was a tv sermon broadcast on Reformation Sunday. And it was all about the errors of the Catholic faith. So that cured us from putting the TV on before going to Mass!
Even though we are Catholic, we have in the past listened to non-Catholic Christian radio and/or put on the TV to Protestant broadcasts before attending Mass on Sunday morning. Two instances of anti-Catholicism stand out in my mind–

The first was when Dr. James Dobson on the radio said he admired Mother Teresa for the work she was doing, but it was too bad that she clung to Catholic belief. This really left a bad taste in my mouth, and even though I had listened to him often and had found his program very worthy, I basically stopped listening after that as I did not want to hear more of that sentiment.
That leaves a bad taste in my mouth too. It comes to something when Pat Robertson is thought of more highly than Mother Teresa. :mad:
The second was a tv sermon broadcast on Reformation Sunday. And it was all about the errors of the Catholic faith. So that cured us from putting the TV on before going to Mass!
Did this TV preacher defend his faith or just attack yours?
Did you find out what he believes?
Does he know what he believes?

I may disagree with certain tenets of Roman Cathlicism but Thank God for Christians who know what they believe.

Thank God for Roman Catholics!
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