What this site has tought me

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That leaves a bad taste in my mouth too. It comes to something when Pat Robertson is thought of more highly than Mother Teresa. :mad:

Did this TV preacher defend his faith or just attack yours?
Did you find out what he believes?
Does he know what he believes?

I may disagree with certain tenets of Roman Cathlicism but Thank God for Christians who know what they believe.

Thank God for Roman Catholics!
Thanks for your reply, and for your prayer for Catholics! I really appreciate it!

As to what the TV preacher said, I guess I felt the whole thing was against the Catholic faith because whatever he said about his faith was prefaced by how the Catholics were wrong in theirs. In other words, because Catholics believe this and it is wrong, therefore we believe this and it is right. At least that is what I remember in general.
Originally Posted by Syele
Well I never went to a Protestant church that taught anything at all about Catholics…
Or a SDA church or many but not all pentecostals churches.
And of course a non denom “Bible Believing” fundamentalist Church.
My experience has been a little different than East Anglican. And to some degree, this is my fault. Prior to coming on CAF, I had given little thought to the beliefs of my non-Catholic brethren. I had just figured, I had a big enough plank in my eye to worry about the splinter in others with whom I knew little.

When I joined the forum, most of my time was spent talking with Catholics. Sometimes it was imparting my knowledge and understanding to less catechised Catholics. Sometimes, it was just reading threads to gain the knowledge and understanding of those better catechised than me.

But over time, I came to realize that there was a significant vocal minority of non-Catholic Christians filled with vile misinformation about the Catholic Church. I had thought that a childhood friend of mine who I love dearly who left his Methodist faith to join a non-denom, became a self-educated “minister” and has now planted his own church “in the tradition of the Apostles” was a remote exception withing non-Catholic Christianity.

While I still pray and hope that this is a fringe exception to the rule, the volume of posters who feel this way causes me great sadness. We are not more Christ-like when we hate but when we love.
I never even heard of Reformation Sunday till about a year ago. I’ve been Protestant all my life too.
I guess it would depend on which church you attended. We observed it every year - some years were more “anti-Catholic” than others, depending on the mood of the leadership.
You apparently have not attended a baptist church then…
Actually I have. I attended a Southern Baptist Church for about a year cause my family wanted me to. I have also attended several other denominations.

I know there are some anti-Catholic people in the world… But I heard MORE anti-protestant comments from priests when I attended Catholic Parishes then I heard anti-Catholic comments in all my years as a Protestant. One priest informed me that while my Baptism was valid, the man who baptized me was going to hell!

Prejudice is not limited to any one group don’t kid yourself.
Actually I have. I attended a Southern Baptist Church for about a year cause my family wanted me to. I have also attended several other denominations.

I know there are some anti-Catholic people in the world… But I heard MORE anti-protestant comments from priests when I attended Catholic Parishes then I heard anti-Catholic comments in all my years as a Protestant. One priest informed me that while my Baptism was valid, the man who baptized me was going to hell!
Well, experiences certainly differ. I have rarely known Catholic priests to attack non-Catholics in any way (the one exception that comes to mind is a Byzantine priest–a refugee from the Roman Rite, actually). In fact, I’d accuse many of the priests I’ve met of the opposite–they bend over backwards to be nice to Protestants in ways that obscure clear theological discourse. My philosophy professor in grad school (a priest) was rather suspicious of Protestants, but he never tried to attack them–he basically wanted them to leave him alone (which meant that he didn’t really want them to convert to Catholicism).

On the other hand, I have repeatedly heard vicious attacks on Catholicism from various Protestant pulpits–mostly, but not exclusively, fundamentalist Baptist. Even in the Episcopal Church, I have had one (thankfully temporary) priest who seemed to take every possible opportunity of referring disdainfully to “Roman Catholics” and their authoritarian, unprogressive views.

I would say that in contemporary America there is no comparison between the vitriol directed against Catholics from Protestant pulpit and any polemic that comes back the other way. This has not been true in all times and places, but it’s largely true in this time and place. Most of the anti-Protestantism occurs on boards such as this one, and it comes in many cases from Catholics who have been repeatedly bruised by Protestant bigotry. That doesn’t justify them, any more than Catholic persecution of Protestants in the past justifies Protestant fundamentalists in their attacks on Catholicism (this is the excuse they would use). But I do think it’s fair to say that by and large contemporary Catholics are trying to hold out an olive branch, and that fundamentalist (and sometimes also liberal) Protestants are slapping it down.

There are a lot of us in the middle, though–Protestants ranging from moderate/liberal evangelicals to conservative/moderate mainliners, who consider Catholics fully our brothers and sisters in Christ, members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church with no ifs ands or buts, and wish that you guys were able to reciprocate.

A few Years ago some Lutheran Pastors and RC Priests got together and signed a declaration that they wanted the two churches to discuss Justification by Faith. Unfortunatley two weeks Later Pope John Paul II gave away a load of indulgencies.
Please give specific details like when, what and how.
Thanks for your reply, and for your prayer for Catholics! I really appreciate it!

As to what the TV preacher said, I guess I felt the whole thing was against the Catholic faith because whatever he said about his faith was prefaced by how the Catholics were wrong in theirs. In other words, because Catholics believe this and it is wrong, therefore we believe this and it is right. At least that is what I remember in general.
Sounds like typical anti-catholic rhetoric.Some ‘protestants’ are the type to scream about indulgencies while ignioring the fact that ‘protestant’ tellyvangelists are conning people out of a lot of money!

Luther, Calvin et al would have blasted a lot of ‘protestant’ TV preachers harder than they spoke against Rome!
Prejudice is not limited to any one group don’t kid yourself.
I think it depends where you are. In England some ‘Protestants’ are the worst.

I went to an Ash Wednesday service last night and then went down the pub. I noticed somone had Ash on his head. And said “I see you have been to an Ash Wednesday service too.” He was RC, I was Anglican. We had some good Christian fellowship. The fact that we talked with each other as brethren also sent a message to the other people in the pub.

Thank God for Roman Catholics
Please give specific details like when, what and how.
The Accord took place in 1996. I don’t know the details. We used to have a synopsis up on our Diocescan website, but the link seems to be broken.
I think is this accord with the German Lutherans on Justification.
Thanks for the link. It’s quite a detail document and I just manage to go through it quickly.

The fact is a joint declaration was signed. I suppose this mean that discusssion was not aborted. Nothing about indulgence was mentioned. I’m wondering now, since I don’t think we want to pursue this anymore, would mentioning of indulgence stop the discussion? Won’t it be a good forum to clarify this issue since it’s such a divisive factor?
We need to look at history and stuff like this through Christ rather than Christ through history and stuff like this.

This Lent I endeavour to keep my eyes on Christ.
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