I like the old Ann Landers reply to rude personal questions, “why on earth would you ask such a rude question? (or make such a rude remark?”
I love it!I’m fond of “Bite me,” but that probably isn’t a good response.
Once, when disciplining my son (via a smack to the buttocks and a stern voice) for running off in a video store, a woman nearby frowned at me and shook her head in disapproval. I asked her if she wanted some too. She quickly broke off eye contact and shuffled away. Again, that probably isn’t a good response.
– Mark L. Chance.
Watch yourself with that. In some states, physically disciplining a child, even if it’s just a swat on the seat, will cause dear people like the frowning woman to report you to the Child Protection Gestapo, who will literally break your door down and remove your own children from your home by force.Once, when disciplining my son (via a smack to the buttocks and a stern voice) for running off in a video store, a woman nearby frowned at me and shook her head in disapproval. I asked her if she wanted some too. She quickly broke off eye contact and shuffled away. Again, that probably isn’t a good response.
LOL, as they say. trouble with waiting until you can afford kids (or buying a house etc.) is that the price keeps going up, and your energy level keeps going down. I am sure you get lots of unwelcome comments from dear ones from the other side of the issue. the important thing is that you and your spouse have discussed your vision of family, preferably before marriage, that you commend your marriage and family to God, and that you continue making these decisions together. Advice from a grandma: if we had one thing to do differently, we would have trusted God more, not listened to our fears and wordly wisdom about money etc., and not been swayed by arguments, comments, suggestions, insults of “friends” and relatives.I am 28 myself and my wife and I don’t have a single child yet. Granted we have only been married for 6 years, but we decided to hold off until we were economically sound. .
I’m also sitting on this bench. God saw fit to give me two wonderful boys, but no more. I hang out with my friends with big families just to play with the babies!Also - imfourkids,
Remember that there are people like me walking by you who are struggling not to envy you, and are praying for you, and admire you.