What was your biggest disagreement on CAF

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Most people have a very superficial understanding of history. The fact that NSDAP has “Socialist” in it’s title means squat.
Partly it’s a problem of not understanding the implications of words, it wasn’t “National Sozialismus” (a kind of ‘socialism – joint ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange - in one country, in this case Germany’) it was “Nationalsozialismus” which involved entirely different concepts, ie Gleichschaltung and Volksgemeinschaft, the transformation/coordination of Germany into a racial and political community. The ultimate economic aim was not about joint ownership in an industrial society, it was about a return to the past with individual peasant-owned farms and production through artisan-based systems – a ‘return’ to an idealised pre-capitalist way of life, bringing the Middle Ages up to date.
Probably my biggest is anyone that starts out saying, “Atheists think…” and it’s not true for any atheists I know
And that’s mine too, I’m afraid. My aim in life is to be irenic, but I fear posts like that have made me all too obviously angry at times.

I don’t want to be presented with a list of my failings: I’m perfectly aware that occasionally, just very occasionally, I’m not saintly. 🙂
Biggest disagreement? Hmm… I’d have to say that it was a thread where I offended a guy for insulting moham of islam. It got heated and he seemed to think I was a bad guy. I’m not. I explained that sometimes in order to get through to people who are deeply indoctrinated you need to make fun of or ridicule the object of their indoctrination. If I wasn’t in China I would have given him a link to an Apologist who has devoted his life to bringing Muslims to Jesus and was even central to the conversion of Nabeel Qureshi. He made a video with all the former Muslims who testified that his harsh words and mockery of mohammad was essential to opening their eyes and opening their hearts to Jesus by shattering their idolization of mohammad.

I never had a chance to show him these sources. I regret that.
The fact that NSDAP has “Socialist” in it’s title means squat. It is like when East Germany was called the German Democratic Republic or North Korea is officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. These were two of the most complete police states in human history.
The historic understanding of socialism is government ownership or strict control of the means of production. The Nazis were indeed socialist, the illusion of private ownership notwithstanding. In many ways, Communist China has taken on the fascist model of socialism, allowing the facade of private ownership

As for democracy, Lenin said that democracy was necessary for socialism, so the use of the term in their names has a purpose.
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Abortion, and anyone trying to dress it up as anything other than the murder of a child in the womb.
Which particular canon(s) do you have in mind?

Canon 823.

Some of the immediate canons following also pertain, since there’s often a close tie-in with book promotions.

Canon 300 may indirectly apply. A few rogue websites use the word “Catholic” in their titles, Catholic Family News, National Catholic Reporter, Catholics for Choice.

But others use Catholic sounding language in their titles, too.
Rorate, Church Militant, Angelus…um do they sound Presbyterian?🙂

I think canon 823 hearkens back to Pascendi and the V2 Document on Social Communications.
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Abortion, and anyone trying to dress it up as anything other than the murder of a child in the womb.
yes that is an opportunity for impassioned debate. There are two positions that bothered me most.
One was atheist types who could not read the historical degradation of human beings and make the obvious comparison to abortion logic. At least …these folks are honest in their view of humanity.

What I thought was worse was professed Catholics who made obstinate attempts to justify some toleration for abortion in Christian/Catholic teaching. Which is completely false and scandalous.

out of it all though, my own complicity and responsibility was illuminated further and more deeply. So thanks for that discussion that provoked further conversion.
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The fact that NSDAP has “Socialist” in it’s title means squat. It is like when East Germany was called the German Democratic Republic or North Korea is officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. These were two of the most complete police states in human history.
The historic understanding of socialism is government ownership or strict control of the means of production. The Nazis were indeed socialist, the illusion of private ownership notwithstanding. In many ways, Communist China has taken on the fascist model of socialism, allowing the facade of private ownership

As for democracy, Lenin said that democracy was necessary for socialism, so the use of the term in their names has a purpose.
Chesterton foresaw the future connection between big business (supported by fascism) and big government (supported by Communism). Both communists and fascists reduce private initiate, small business, and independence of the family.

I was raised on the Readers Digest version of Free Enterprise big business defending us against Communism, but increasingly big business (especially big media) and big government are united, support the same agenda (think Common Core) and same political party. The old Left Right paradigm doesn’t fit.

Communism and fascism are in the same corner.
What’s your take on “Catholics for Choice”? Or for that matter, “Mission to Catholics”?

Both are written by baptized Catholics. One is proabortion, the other fundamentalist, but both can and do argue that they are Catholic. Both defy canon law.

I wasn’t talking about one person setting up a personal blog. LSN, 1p5, Remnant, CM, etc are corporations, a group of people, some paid, some designated as editor, Rome Correspondent, TV producer, active recruiting funds from Catholics.

They may have different tiers of memberships, depending on your level of support. None of this sounds like a personal blog.

Some on CAF refer to them as Catholic ministries. They are not all the same distance over the edge. One person may argue that Church Militant is too far out. but One Peter Five is ok. Maybe for
another Church Militant is ok, but they would never support Catholics for Choice, or some sedevacantist site.

These faux Catholic sites are not all equally irresponsible. But once you bend Canon Law a little, someone else bends it more.
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Lumping in OnePeterFive with something like Catholics for Choice is also completely illogical.

Hi Our,

As the original poster, I am glad this overall thread stirred up some interest and hopefully little discord.
Your insights are often closer to my own than you would think, on many topics.

Hopefully I will meet you again
on other forums!
And I hope that those holding the opposite view will come to the light 🙂
One day you will see 🙂

Awesome. God bless you richly and see you someday in paradise if not before. Take care.
Probably about the meaning of “day” in canon law…or some other canonical topic where I and good old “FrDavid96” had differing views. Really cutting edge stuff…and always of the utmost practical importance.

Unilateral nuclear disarmament. Almost no one agrees with this idea.
I agree with nuclear disarmament across the board.
I changed my views on disarmament by the United States…not because disarmament has changed but because the United States has.
Probably about the meaning of “day” in canon law…or some other canonical topic where I and good old “FrDavid96” had differing views. Really cutting edge stuff…and always of the utmost practical importance.

Dan your unpaid professional insights, that were worthy of some compensation, are deeply appreciated. Hope to cross paths on some other site in the future.
I’m not so willing to give fascism a pass. It is, by definition, statist, which means the state takes primacy over individual rights. That is just as evil as communism.

The term “merging” is generous, because it implies an equal relationship. In a fascist system, the state allows the corporation to exist as long as it does the state’s bidding. One might be able to make a profit as long as one does what the state dictates, but basic human rights and freedoms are nonexistent.

By the very nature of statist rule, which subjugates individual rights to the state, “good” seems out of the question.
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