Take out the videos of masses and just go on to the Sacraments. The busting of churches and the change in the Sacraments is what got to me
I don’t see anything wrong with the Sacraments. The quotes I have included below are from the Catechism.
What is wrong with “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”? I don’t see where Confirmation is any less valid.
What is wrong with anointing a baby or child/adult (if they are a convert) with chrism after the pouring of water and trinitarian formula? Is Baptism less of a Sacrament because a Deacon may perform it, not just a Priest?
I like face-to-face Confession. It is an option, not a requirement. I could still confess behind a screen if I want to. I don’t think rooms instead of confessionals make the Sacrament of Penance less valid. A more personal contact with the Priest to me is good, because if he knows you, he can give advice on how to avoid falling back into sin. Before there was face-to-face Confession, the priest usually just gave a Penance and then Absolution. I like being able to talk to my Priest about sins that trouble me and get his advice. I don’t think that’s a Protestant thing. Protestants don’t even have Confession to a minister. Jesus gave advice to people when He forgave their sins, and the Priest is acting as Jesus did. Jesus always saw people face-to-face when He forgave them their sins, so I think it is good for the Priest to see me face-to-face when he is acting “in persona Christi”.
What is wrong with the Anointing of the Sick? The priest says, “May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up”. That sounds to me like it is addressing sickness of the soul (sin), not just healing of physical illness.
Holy Orders is still the same Sacrament. The prayer that the Bishop says when laying on his hands mentions “stand without reproach before your altar, to proclaim the Gospel. . . to offer you spiritual gifts and sacrifices, to renew your people by the bath of rebirth. . .” That still definitely means the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.