If I push for you to be forced
You continue to avoid the relevant detail. In the gun case, arguing that there is nothing immoral
per se about pointing a gun and pulling the trigger ignores the
relevant detail that doing so killed an innocent. Likewise arguing that you are ‘just’ “exercising [your] constitutional rights to free speech, to petition the government and to vote” ignores the
relevant detail that lobbying the government to (e.g.) burn all gays at the stake would be immoral.
Not because lobbying the government is immoral
per se but because the goal of that lobbying was immoral.
It is also
foolish as you are currently losing this battle and losing it badly - if you are
genuinely worried about being
forced to allow gay marriage in Catholic churches, and if any gays
do get even close to being able to do so, you having taken this sort of line might tempt people like me who would otherwise support you to be tempted to leave you to taste your own medicine for a decade or two and see if it changes your mind about the rights and wrongs of larger groups forcing their beliefs on smaller ones!
Sorry - I do not follow you here…
It is not a slippery concept. Which is the biggest imposition:
- being forced to participate in a same sex marriage ceremony for 1 hour
- being prevented from marrying your loved one. Ever. And any loved one you may ever have.
You are complaining about the first
hypothetically being done to you while enthusiastically doing the second to thousands of gay couples.
Perhaps, but it is still the “traditional” view in the U.S. and has been since the founding of this country.
The Native Americans clearly do not count.
I honestly do not know how you got that from what I wrote. I said nothing about my views being more sincere than the views of anyone else. Let’s try to stick to what each other actually says
I am. You are trying to rationalise why
you should be allowed to force
your beliefs on others, but they should not be allowed to force theirs on you. You are violating the golden rule.