What would happen if a gay marriage were performed in a catholic church?

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This, of course, is just as true of you as it is of ‘them’ - the only real difference being that only one of the two groups is actively trying to prevent the other from living their ‘lifestyle’ in any significant way. 🤷
With the help of the Lord, I do not look with disgust at anyone.

I cannot prevent anyone from living the way they wish to. I can do my best to show compassion and to not fear to speak out my beliefs, without sarcasm and anger aimed at those who disagree with me.
With the help of the Lord, I do not look with disgust at anyone.

I cannot prevent anyone from living the way they wish to. I can do my best to show compassion and to not fear to speak out my beliefs, without sarcasm and anger aimed at those who disagree with me.
Are you saying that DEICIDE - the act of killing God is EQUAL to having gay wedding ceremonies in churches, and both are possibly ‘deserving’ of some kind of destructive action from God? The absolutely worst sin possible is killing God, but then gay weddings (and I assume homosexuality) is next?

I know the homosexual act is a mortal sin and I’m against gay marriage, so don’t get me wrong, but this is what I really don’t get-- why does it seem so many religious people consider homosexuality such a horrible and hateful sin? Is there actually a theological reason? Are some mortal sins worse in caliber than others? The bible says fornicators, liars, drunks and more are ALL going to hell, so why the extra focus on gays?

I personally think if God didn’t “smite” the churches when pedophile priests were sinning against innocent children --right inside the churches for years – then God sure isn’t going to do anything (in this life, anyway) about a gay wedding. JMHO.
I’m not trying to say homosexual actions are the worst thing ever, but to answer your question yes mortal sins have different degrees. For example missing mass on Sunday is not as serious as killing someone.

While it is a very grave sin when consented to, I don’t know why homosexuality is such a big focus in general no matter what side it’s being discussed on.
I completely agree. It’s a hot button topic, especially with the legalization of gay marriage and the threat of any clergy being forced under penalty of law to officiate these weddings when it is against their religious beliefs. I’m against that 100% and I’m not saying active homosexuality is okay or right.

I’m just sick of so called religious people promoting hating on gay people, yes in real life and online then I was called out for saying so --“exaggerating” for “recognition”! Google it and look at the statistics on anti-gay hate crime. Thirty-five (35) Americans were killed in three years just because they were gay from 2010 to 2013 is a travesty. These were real people who were loved by their friends and families, trying to live their lives and if it’s wrong, pray for them, don’t hate on them.

Homosexuality is a mortal sin just like a bunch of other sins, but in the short time I’ve been on CAF I’ve seen parents posting that if their kid was gay, they’d disown them, posters saying gays will burn in hell, and then a post implying since Jesus’ death resulted in immediate action from God, wouldn’t it be fitting if the same happened for a gay wedding. Bring lots of cameras. WOW.
Obviously killing God was infinitely worse than this, but i think the OP was just using that as an example, I don’t think they were saying they were alike in seriousness or at least that’s what I got from their post
I’m not trying to say homosexual actions are the worst thing ever, but to answer your question yes mortal sins have different degrees. For example missing mass on Sunday is not as serious as killing someone.
So if I miss Mass on Sunday through my own fault…I can still get to heaven? ( as long as I don’t murder anyone…)
Same for murder…?

If so, what are these “degrees” you mention?
Yeah, nothing is unforgivable. Though one has to go to the bishop for absolution for murder or so I heard.

Some sins are more serious than other sins (like adultery is worse than fornication )
As I expressed earlier, the way this could go is this.
  1. Anyone duly licensed by the state to perform weddings - as defined by the state - would be duty bound to perform such weddings so long as those applying are leagally allowed to be wed under civil law.
  2. The state would not be addressing the matter of “church” but only addressing the law - and those who are licensed by the state under that law.
  3. The Church indeed all clergy of any communion - would then have to decide whether it will continue to maintain it’s license to perform civilly binding ceremonies or not.
  4. The Church’s teaching on this matter will force her to drop this association. She is then free to marry only those who come to her for sacramental marriage. The civil wedding would need to occur elsewhere.
I can easily see this happening and indeed I expect it to eventually.

I support this proposal. It’s an alternative to government getting out of marriage. Anything wrong per se about it?
Wow. You hear the most interesting things on CAF, from time to time… 😉
one has to go to the bishop for absolution for murder or so I heard.
Nope. Any priest who can hear confessions can absolve any sin. (The question of lifting an excommunication is a different issue; but that’s not the question here.)
You must be Catholic in good standing to receive the sacrament of Matrimony
Actually, no. Non-Catholic Christians, too, can be married validly and sacramentally in the Church (if they marry a Catholic).
the majority of priests would probably decline to do it, just as they do for any couple who just shows up expecting to be married when they aren’t actually practicing Catholics.
Again, non-Catholics can be married in the Church. Moreover, it’s not altogether common for both of the people getting married to be members of the same parish; that being the case, the priest preparing them for marriage might not have personal knowledge of the church-going habits of at least one of them (aside from their answers to his questions during the pre-marital interview)… 🤷
Discipline can change from time to time. It might well be that the priest would be suspended or de-frocked. Any action from the courts or change in civil law is irrelevant. The Catholic Church answers to no government on issues of morality. The time may well come when priests have to face prison, or the Church have to go underground, in the United States. We are not a very tolerant society and becoming less tolerant by the year.
What would happen if a gay marriage were performed in a catholic church?
It would lead to wild, pointless, and purely hypothetical speculation about the Catholic Church.
Which I suppose is the point.
With all the news about gay rights and the ground they seem to gain year after year, personally, I think at some point in the near future, a gay couple will fight to have their marriage in a traditional catholic church, probably will be done out spite, but legally, I think the US legal system would probably grant them this right.

So in this hypothetical scenario, lets say, they ‘win’ the legal right and the CC must marry them, as they would perform any other marriage…I have no idea, but I would assume the consequences would be severe and probably immediate as well, not sure if the actual churches foundation would suddenly crack, earthquake, some other kind of disaster, etc? I would assume God would send his wrath right away though.

Anyone care to guess what would happen?
There weren’t any God-made earthquakes when the altar boys were being molested, were there? Don’t see why there would be any in this case, either.

What would happen? It would be invalid. That’s about it.
I agree, when a state legalizes gay marriage, I accept that it’s another law I may or may not agree with. I don’t have a problem with gay people marrying one another. Doesn’t the Bible say respect authority, God put those people in authority etc. Sorry, I’m going to be too late for church to look up the passages…

That being said, MANY Catholics online and in my real life are always telling me it’s practically my duty to HATE on these people…sorry, not going to hate on anyone.

I do have a big problem with people trying to impose their will on the Church or ANY institution that resists their desire to get married…if only getting married was TRULY what they wanted, they’d do it where they were welcomed, accepted and appreciated, like any other couple. Who would want to start off married life with chaos, strife and hatred?
How come the only Catholics that say this I come across ONLINE? Why? Either the Catholics I hang around with are the exception, the Catholic I grew up with were the exceptions, my world in a major metropolitan is really a tiny world or that your ears have deceived your brain.
Nope. Any priest who can hear confessions can absolve any sin. (The question of lifting an excommunication is a different issue; but that’s not the question here.)
from this link:
Q. 729. Can the priest forgive all sins in the Sacrament of Penance?
A. The priest has the power to forgive all sins in the Sacrament of Penance, but he may not have the authority to forgive all. To forgive sins validly in the Sacrament of Penance, two things are required:
  1. The power to forgive sins which every priest receives at his ordination, and
  2. The right to use that power which must be given by the bishop, who authorizes the priest to hear confessions and pass judgment on the sins.
Q. 730. What are the sins called which the priest has no authority to absolve?
A. The sins which the priest has no authority to absolve are called reserved sins. Absolution from these sins can be obtained only from the bishop, and sometimes only from the Pope, or by his special permission. Persons having a reserved sin to confess cannot be absolved from any of their sins till the priest receives faculties or authority to absolve the reserved sin also.
Is that a fair summary?
Actually, no. Non-Catholic Christians, too, can be married validly and sacramentally in the Church (if they marry a Catholic).

Again, non-Catholics can be married in the Church. Moreover, it’s not altogether common for both of the people getting married to be members of the same parish; that being the case, the priest preparing them for marriage might not have personal knowledge of the church-going habits of at least one of them (aside from their answers to his questions during the pre-marital interview)… 🤷
Thank you, Gorgias, for correcting my statement: # 1 …I should’ve known that, as I’ve attended those weddings, though I didn’t realize till now that the non-Catholic received the Sacrament.

For #2, I meant the priest would probably decline to officiate a gay wedding, not an interfaith wedding. Thank you just the same. God bless you.
How come the only Catholics that say this I come across ONLINE? Why? Either the Catholics I hang around with are the exception, the Catholic I grew up with were the exceptions, my world in a major metropolitan is really a tiny world or that your ears have deceived your brain.
I already corrected that statement in a later post and said I should’ve said TOO MANY… Instead of MANY. This thread is supposed to be about gays getting married but I keep getting questioned about this one portion of one post about my personal experience with gay bashers…

Anyway, yes unfortunately I do know Catholics and others in my life that are completely anti-gay, not to the point of violence, but our local school has had hate crime incidents where gay students were jumped either on or off school property. If I can find a news link I will post it, but just read the news, 35 gays have been murdered in the U S in the 3 years 2010 to 2013 just for being gay! Murdered! They are a target for some creeps! Finally, what does your experience have to do with mine or anyone else’s? There are haters, why is that so hard to believe? :confused: And I live in the sticks, NOT a big city AT ALL. The high school is very large, though, 2,000+ students.

Edit: I never heard of this growing up, either. I’m 51 and I’ve been hearing it the past ten years or so – as another poster said, probably a result of the recent gay marriage laws.
What would happen if a gay marriage were performed in a catholic church?
Not sure, but a more important question might be, what would the Catholic Church say if elephants started sprouting wings.
Hypothetically speaking of course.
Not sure, but a more important question might be, what would the Catholic Church say if elephants started sprouting wings.
Hypothetically speaking of course.
God would probably zap that abomination DEAD! 😃
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