What would you do if you were God?

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That is called baloney. No one has ever been reported to bang on the doors of hell (which are alleged to be closed from inside) demanding admittance.
Even in this life the lust for power and wealth makes a person alienate others and become isolated. Why should it be different in an afterlife? To be loved we have to make ourselves lovable. In the long run we all get precisely what we deserve…
Even in this life the lust for power and wealth makes a person alienate others and become isolated. Why should it be different in an afterlife?
Because there is no power to be had when dead, and no earthly wealth is available?

Because there is no power to be had when dead, and no earthly wealth is available?

A very good point, Eddie:
No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Matt 6:24
You have good cause, the danger is real. To the OP, best to wipe such suggestions from our mind, and not our place.
What would have you do if you were the Creator God? Would you have different ideas? Would you create an Eternal Hell for mortal sinners? Would you punish Adam and Eve? Would you create a religion to worship you?
I not one for saying, ‘If I were you I would…’ I used to be - until I realized if I in fact was that person I would not have taken my own advice - and a good thing too. 😃

As I am not God I don’t what I would done differently. If I was God, I would know why he did things the way He did, and as such perhaps not change anything? Other than create a more convenient means of expelling waste products from the body. Perhaps a tap on the back of one’s ear than expels a sweet smelling gas?

Did God create Hell? Or is it the case He did not prevent those who desired to create a Hell in which to dwell from doing so?

Would I punish Adam and Eve? That depends on your take on lying. When God asked Adam what he was at he initially lied, but I reckon I would have let the snake keep it’s legs and let it eat something other than dust if it was in fact the Devil speaking through the snake. Now if the snake actually spoke of it’s own accord that’s a different matter. Does the Bible say it was the Devil speaking through the snake? I don’t think it does.

Did God create religion? I think humans created religion - not God. Certainly Catholics believe God established Church when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. Is establishing a Church the same thing as establishing a religion? I don’t think it is. One can say He created the ‘religion’ of the Israelites, but did not Jesus not say the Pharisees added things on they should not have?
Abolish suffering and make everyone happy, and this is not only limited to humans, so don’t get started with the free will thing, babies and innocents of all beings suffer regardless of the human limited free will or whether humans exist or not.
It is necessary to prove rational, sentient beings with a capacity for unselfish love and self-determination can be totally immune to pain, misery, distress, disappointment and despair. An earthly Utopia is an infantile fantasy…
Abolish suffering and make everyone happy, and this is not only limited to humans, so don’t get started with the free will thing, babies and innocents of all beings suffer regardless of the human limited free will or whether humans exist or not.
This life is just a stepping stone to eternity. Jesus showed is the Way. He loves you !
Make all animals (including us) vegetarian.

Which reminds me of a quote by (I think) Spike Milligan: ‘If God didn’t want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?’
What would have you do if you were the Creator God? Would you have different ideas? Would you create an Eternal Hell for mortal sinners? Would you punish Adam and Eve? Would you create a religion to worship you?
No I would never begin to have the ability to change anything God does. Because his knowledge is so far above mine, and I would make such a mess of things.
Make all animals (including us) vegetarian.

Which reminds me of a quote by (I think) Spike Milligan: ‘If God didn’t want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?’
Then I would be the first sinner.
Make all animals (including us) vegetarian.

Which reminds me of a quote by (I think) Spike Milligan: ‘If God didn’t want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?’
I’m a vegetarian but I cannot understand why is eating meat immoral if animals are killed painlessly? Do you believe pain is intrinsically evil?
If I were God, I would create a universe that exists independent of me. I would give it freedom to be a part of its own creation and development. My hope would be that over the eons, this universe would produce a beautiful being formed not by my hand directly, but formed from its own power using all that I gave it initially, and that this being would look up to the heavens and reach out to me.

I would then answer it (when and if it asks) and give it love and show it how much I love it because it is the culmination of my own love.

No matter what the young creation did, I would always love it and help it.

Over the eons, if it failed, I would weep. If it succeeded it would be my greatest joy. Nothing else would give me such joy since everything else I can do myself. But to have a free, independent being that chooses to love me, that would be my goal.

I would seek, therefore, to create a friend so that I don’t have to live in the loneliness of my own omnipotence.

I would try to explain to the beings that I want to be their friend, but many of the beings won’t hear me. That’s OK. I would love them anyway.
I’m a vegetarian but I cannot understand why is eating meat immoral if animals are killed painlessly? Do you believe pain is intrinsically evil?
I think that if I designed a system whereby animals had to kill and eat each other, often in the most horrifying manner (we ain’t talking neat and tidy abbatoirs here), then I might be described as evil.

I watched an Attenborough doc last night. Some crocs killed a Wildebeast. It took them an hour to do it. Lions like to eat dead meat but hyenas aren’t fussy. They start eating waaaaay before you are anywhere near dead.

Great system…
I think that if I designed a system whereby animals had to kill and eat each other, often in the most horrifying manner (we ain’t talking neat and tidy abbatoirs here), then I might be described as evil.

I watched an Attenborough doc last night. Some crocs killed a Wildebeast. It took them an hour to do it. Lions like to eat dead meat but hyenas aren’t fussy. They start eating waaaaay before you are anywhere near dead.

Great system…
Your sarcasm reveals ignorance of the immense complexity of the biosphere. It is foolish to judge solely by appearances because it is impossible to know to what extent another person or animal suffers. Attenborough thrives on the grim aspects of nature yet ironically he appreciates its incomparable beauty and ingenuity. He has however neglected the production of endorphins in the brain which act as anaesthetics to minimise pain and suffering. There is a limit to the degree of suffering one can experience. I was once paralysed with fear when an angry bull elephant was charging towards me and I thought my last moments on earth had come. Probably some people would have had a heart attack but I was quite young, fit enough to climb Kilimanjaro and had been in other dangerous situations. I can well understand how animals die of shock when they are terrified and in agony. One thing is certain. It is far better to be killed by a predator than suffer a lingering death for days or weeks with a broken limb or fatal disease and die of starvation. Most animals are killed so swiftly and efficiently that the other members of the herd continue grazing peacefully. In many respects nature is far more impressive than human technology in its grace, ingenuity and flexibility. In spite of all their achievements scientists haven’t produced a feasible blueprint of a better world…
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