The onus is on you to produce a superior alternative which would prove you have greater insight and knowledge than God into the art of creating biospheres - especially after conceding you are grateful for all the blessings you have received in your life on this planet. There seems to be some disparity between your two views because it would be more logical to agree with Schopenhauer that it would be better if life had never existed on this planet in view of the amount of “horrifying” amount of evil in this world where animals are supposedly tortured unnecessarily in the most diabolical ways. It amounts to gross selfishness to accept all earthly joys and pleasures for yourself when you know that so many others are compelled to endure such needless prolonged agony on behalf of the fortunate few like ourselves who live in a virtual paradise…I think that if I designed a system whereby animals had to kill and eat each other, often in the most horrifying manner (we ain’t talking neat and tidy abbatoirs here), then I might be described as evil.
I watched an Attenborough doc last night. Some crocs killed a Wildebeast. It took them an hour to do it. Lions like to eat dead meat but hyenas aren’t fussy. They start eating waaaaay before you are anywhere near dead.
Great system…