I think we have to let them know that while we dont approve we are there to help them when they come to regret their action.I had hoped my answer to be understood as rhetorical.
It’s not always compassionate to gloss over a horrible sin. If someone murdered someone in front of me in cold blood, should I say “you poor dear, having a bad day?”
For me, I believe correction is in order in a case as this. Compassion is for when sorrow begins.
I know for me that I need to go and say “I’m sorry” when I’ve sinned. I know God loves me whether I’m in the state of mortal sin or not, but like it said in one of the readings at Mass last week, a good Father will discipline His children.
The prodigal son had to turn around first to get back to his Father’s house.
I believe as a Catholic I’m supposed to love the sinner but hate the sin.
I don’t think compassion should get mixed up with approval.
Just my 2 cents.