What's preventing YOU from being a Catholic?

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No. Don’t say that. They asked people of other faiths, and that includes atheists. If there is a rule that says that only Catholics can ask for and receive help from these forums, I would like to see it. These forums will help people learn about the Catholic faith and find the truth.
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I’m cradle Lutheran, and that’s the Christian faith I adher to or run from. No other faiths need apply.

Having said that, I do respect the RCC. I’m not inclined to convert, but you do you.
Can I ask you a quick question (even though I’m Catholic)? Why are you Lutheran?
No, souls don’t exist. And yes, life emerged by accident, there’s a million possible ways for things to happen so that life doesn’t exist, and some where it does exist. In a humongous universe with a humongous amount of time passing, hugely unlikely things are likely to happen. That’s why life emerged, and then by the unguided process of natural selection we got where we are. People think that is a miracle by a supernatural being, but given enough space and time even the most unlikely things will happen almost certainly
I will begin with the topic of souls. This argument begins with a wooden chair. You can see the chair and you know it’s a chair, right? Now suppose you burn the chair. The chair is gone. But the idea of “chair-ness” is not. You still know what a chair is, even though the chair has been burned. No matter what you do, you cannot destroy the idea of “chair-ness” because it is not physical. Humans must have a spiritual principle within them in order to be able to grasp the idea of a spiritual principle. Animals cannot do this, because animals do not have souls.
Now for the universe. I understand your point about unlikely things happening due to the size of the universe, but what about the universe itself? It has been scientifically proven that the universe has a beginning. Who began it? There cannot be an endless chain of beginnings. For example, if you were to see a boxcar moving along train tracks and wonder what is pulling it, you might hear the answer, “The boxcar in front of it.” But that boxcar, too, must be pulled by something. Therefore, you can have an endless train of boxcars but none of them will move, because boxcars cannot pull themselves. Therefore, there must be an unmoved mover to start the motion. In the case of the boxcars it is a locomotive. In the case of the universe it is God.
You are still far from the level of arrogance seen on here so that’s okay.

I wanted to type a reply but I feel post 26 from me is sufficient.

Maybe and I really do like your post there.

My concern is just that saying “do research” will not always have the assumed results.

I have seen too many times on here that it is assumed “if you do not come to the same conclusion as the CC than you need to do more research”.

For some it works and they become Catholic and for others it doesn’t.

Like many of the the "truth police " on here, the reply would be that that is the truth (fullness of the truth etc… it has all been used before) whether you like it or not. But then the circle just starts again…

(Like a famous Catholic said before “the truth is the truth even if nobody believes it and a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it” (That is paraphrased from memory). That is a very strong saying but it still doesn’t tell me much about the ACTUAL truth)
What do you mean by “actual truth?” What does that refer to?
Actually, everything has an endless chain of causality if you dig deep enough. You ran today, why? Because you like running, why? Because of genes? Why do you have those genes? Your parents can answer that. Why did they meet up? Because they went out one night to the same bar. Why the same bar? They live in the same city? Why? Parents work there? Why do they work there? And so on until the origin of life, which also has causes that have themselves been caused. You just choose to stop the chain at God for some reason, but there’s no proof of that and therefore no evidence the chain ever stops.

You know the concept of chair because you’ve either seen one, touched one or they’ve been explained to you if you have the bad luck of being blind and have no sense of touch. You remember it because your brain is intelligent enough to grasp a concept, and the brain functions thanks to neural pathways, which have a scientific explanation that does not require the existence of a soul
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Because every other church, except for those we’re in communion with, suffers from theological mishaps and persists in them.

To discuss further requires accepting some basic parameters on both sides, for any discussion to be more than a brawl. My experience at CAF is that this is not currently possible, so you just have to accept my statement at face value - I’m Lutheran bc that’s where I stand. 😉
In that case, you are saying that the boxcars move, even though there is nothing to move them. But that is impossible. The chain doesn’t “stop at God,” it begins with God. Your example ends with “and so on until the origin of life.” What is that origin? You exist because your parents met, and they exist because their parents met, and they exist because their parents met, and on and on. But it clearly cannot go on like this forever because then none of it would ever have started. How were the first people created? They had no parents. An uncreated creator must have created them. We call that creator God.
What if Lutheranism isn’t the truth? Wouldn’t you like to find out what the truth is?
There are no “first people”. It’s like the transition from green to blue. There’s no point at which you can say “this is green, it’s no longer blue”, yet you know what started as green ended as blue. Similarly, evolution carried us from the first eukaryotic cell to Homo Sapiens Sapiens (yes, Sapiens twice, that’s not a mistake) without a clear cut point in time where you stop being a fish and become a land animal. It’s a transition, there’s no single day in your life where you stop being a child and become a teenager, or you stop being young and become old.

I’m not saying there’s nothing to move boxcars. I’m saying there’s fuel, that fuel works because of an engine, which itself works for some reason, it was built for a reason by a person who exists for a reason and so on. There’s zero reason to believe the chain ever stops, other than personal subjective beliefs unsubstantiated by irrefutable evidence.
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Where did that first fish come from? Where did the lake it lives in come from? Where did the world come from? Where did the universe come from?
I’m not saying there’s nothing to move boxcars. I’m saying there’s fuel, that fuel works because of an engine, which itself works for some reason, it was built for a reason by a person who exists for a reason and so on. There’s zero reason to believe the chain ever stops, other than personal subjective beliefs unsubstantiated by irrefutable evidence.
But boxcars don’t have engines. Locomotives do. Again, I am not saying that the chain must stop, but that it must begin.
Universe came from physical laws, just like the world, that lake was created by natural causes such as the melting of a glaciar. Once again, there is no “first fish”, its species evolves by natural selection in a transition that started from a non-fish existence.
Snort. Don’t even start.

Your way of approaching is geared toward uncathechised kids. I’m neither.

I said that discussion is currently not possible, and you just proved my point. Have a nice time evangelizing, I’m off to bed.
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