What's preventing YOU from being a Catholic?

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And what does that mean: Shabbat is for man? It means that remembering the Sabbath consists of refraining from any kind of CREATIVE work, just as G-d refrained from HIS Creation on the Sabbath day. And so observing the Sabbath sanctifies us, not only by means of obedience to G-d but by reminding us that we were created in the image and likeness of G-d in regard to our creative powers. It also means that the Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of joy, and a day of just BEING instead of doing, not only for masters but for their slaves, and for animals as well. (A discussion of the topic of slavery would take us too far in this thread.) Although there is prayer on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a special day of prayer, and although there is feasting on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a feast day. Likewise, while sexual relations (within marriage of course) are encouraged on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a special day of sexual activity. No, it is a day of REST from the work week, during which our bodies, minds, and souls have the opportunity to be replenished. THIS is what Jesus most likely meant when He said that the Sabbath is for MAN and not the other way around. And thus the Sabbath is the MOST IMPORTANT of Jewish Holy Days, not excepting Yom Kippur.
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Have you ever considered that every time YOU look into a mirror that your seeing a image of God?

Would YOU care to know How and WHY that is?
Gen 1: 26-27 TEACH us that God choose to Create man {humanity} in His very own Image:

John 4: 23-24 tells as precisely that “God IS A SPIRIT” and immortal
Humanity is mortal and physical

So CAN these 2 difference be reconciled? YES! Here’s how:

God Created the Universe so that man Could, should & would be able to Know Him through its size and extreme & complex organization.

In order for man to be able to do this requires that “man” LIKE our God be rational; that is having a mind, intellect and freewill. … These attribute similar to God are INVISIBLE REALITIES and are permanently attached to the HUMAN-Soul, at the very instant of conception; which similar to GOD are spiritual & immortal

If you doubt this; try to describe the size, shape, color and weight of your “freewill.”

It can’t be done; yet it exist because its a spiritual-reality & immortal.

In the entire Universe wit its BILLIONS of stars, planets and galaxies has only 1 planet that can be proven to support the MILLIONS of life forms; Planet Earth.

On Planet earth with it hundreds of MILLIONS of living things; only 1; only humanity is RATIONAL WHY?

Isaiah 437 & 21: [7] And every one that calleth upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him. & [21] This people have I formed for myself, they shall shew forth my praise.

Humanity ALONE in all of the Created Universe CAN, should and could know God; and them choose to Love or tot HATE Him: its our choice and our eternity.

Patrick the OP
So then we have some flexibility regarding The Sabbath.

Wow, that is quite a Catholic stretch on Matthew’s keys.

But I do not want to tamper with your faith I’df it works for you.
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So then we have some flexibility regarding The Sabbath.

Wow, that is quite a Catholic stretch on Matthew’s keys.

But I do not want to tamper with your faith I’df it works for you.
My FRIEND, do you have any understanding of WHY The Fathers choose Sunday?

And what does that mean: Shabbat is for man? It means that remembering the Sabbath consists of refraining from any kind of CREATIVE work, just as G-d refrained from HIS Creation on the Sabbath day. And so observing the Sabbath sanctifies us, not only by means of obedience to G-d but by reminding us that we were created in the image and likeness of G-d in regard to our creative powers. It also means that the Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of joy, and a day of just BEING instead of doing, not only for masters but for their slaves, and for animals as well. (A discussion of the topic of slavery would take us too far in this thread.) Although there is prayer on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a special day of prayer, and although there is feasting on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a feast day. Likewise, while sexual relations (within marriage of course) are encouraged on the Sabbath, it is NOT considered a special day of sexual activity. No, it is a day of REST from the work week, during which our bodies, minds, and souls have the opportunity to be replenished. THIS is what Jesus most likely meant when He said that the Sabbath is for MAN and not the other way around. And thus the Sabbath is the MOST IMPORTANT of Jewish Holy Days, not excepting Yom Kippur.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work.
The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.

2168 The third commandment of the Decalogue recalls the holiness of the sabbath: “The seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD.”

2175 "Sunday is expressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows chronologically every week; for Christians its ceremonial observance replaces that of the sabbath. In Christ’s Passover, Sunday fulfills the spiritual truth of the Jewish sabbath and announces man’s eternal rest in God. For worship under the Law prepared for the mystery of Christ, and what was done there prefigured some aspects of Christ:

Those who lived according to the old order of things have come to a new hope, no longer keeping the sabbath, but the Lord’s Day, in which our life is blessed by him and by his death."

And YES, the power of the Key’s covers this: Amen


If it has to begin somewhere, than God has to begin somewhere. You’re telling me infinite chain of causality is imposible so you put the start on God, but if God is the start, there was a start to God. Or else you’re attributing to God something you claim is impossible.
That’s exactly what I’m doing. You see, this beginning cause needs to itself be uncaused, because otherwise the chain never begins and thus it never gets to where it is today. The chain has to begin somewhere, I think that you have realized that. But if the beginning was begun, then it’s not the beginning. So we still need a beginner that was not begun. This beginner must have been powerful to have created the earth. He must have been supernatural to be able to make something from nothing. He must be wise because of the extreme intricacy of his creations. And he must have been good because we humans are capable of doing good. I expect that you will say that in that case he must have been evil because we are also capable of doing evil. However, that argument misses the fact that evil is not in itself a thing, rather, it is the absence of good. We are capable of doing evil because God allowed us to choose freely. We can choose to do good, or we can choose to not do good.
I was not expecting such hatred. Are we not on the same side?

I fully sign up to the Apostles creed, the Nicene creed, and the Chalcedonian creed. I believe in Jesus, son of God, died, buried and resurrected. I believe in the catholic church. that definition of ‘catholic’ is broader than yours. It is ‘every human being whose name is written in the book of life across space and time’.

What happened to Romans 10:9? (yes I am fully aware of the follow on from that in the rest of Romans and the entire book of James).

Onto your other point- Jesus was Jewish, and Rabbi means ‘teacher’. Both of those are accurate. However, I concede I should have worded that point differently
The hatred did NOT come from me:grinning:

quote that definition of ‘catholic’ is broader than yours. It is ‘every human being whose name is written in the book of life across space and time’. end quote

Such is IMPOSSIBLE my friend:

TRUTH can only be singular per defined issue:
Jn 14: 6 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.” ALL singular tense

Every church is self-identified by its chosen Faith beliefs; hence the RCC is identified by Christ singular faith {Mt 16:18} “MY Church”.

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