What's preventing YOU from being a Catholic?

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No there wasn’t. Was there a point where you became an adult rather than a teenager? And I don’t mean your 18th or 20 or 21st birthdays. It’s such a gradual transition that there is no first fish or human of plant
I don’t count human development by birthdays as they’re borderline arbitrary. Developmental milestones aren’t, but even those hold a wide swath of “normal”. That’s also not entirely genetic, as I know 45 year olds who have no clue and 16 year olds who are as adult (if not more so) than I am in a lot of ways. You also factor in developmental delays and genetic anomalies, as one can be physically adult but not mentally for a variety of reasons, and vice versa.

That’s apples to oranges in my book.

I continue to disagree.
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But look at what you’re doing here. You’re saying it’s ridiculous that something came from nothing. Why is it any more ridiculous, with the due respect, than an all good God of whom we have no irrefutable evidence?
I do agree that it is difficult to understand the motive for God’s actions.

However, I don’t see His actions as cruel. Coercive love is not love at all. It would be cruel to force us to love Him or anyone else because we would be denied the ability to truly love and feel love in return. Of course this means that there will be apathy in the world, and apathy can be a breeding ground for evil. I freely acknowledge this.
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We do have evidence of our own existence and consciousness.
So we have a choice: it either all came from nothing or it all always was.
I’m talking purely physical body changes that prove if you’re a child or at puberty, not mental maturity. By that standard, can you tell me when you stopped being a child? What exact day? I suspect you can’t, and it’s not because you forgot the date
I’m talking purely physical body changes that prove if you’re a child or at puberty, not mental maturity. By that standard, can you tell me when you stopped being a child? What exact day? I suspect you can’t, and it’s not because you forgot the date
No, I don’t know the date. None of us do. I don’t know the day all my growth plates disappeared, or the day my menstrual cycle started (though I know the year and the month because of other events - but that’s not the actual day it started, just the day I realized it HAD started), or the day I first ovulated (because a period indicates nothing for a while in women). I don’t know the day I stopped growing (we can grow into our twenties).

All of those indicate “adulthood”.

But at some indeterminate point - all of that STOPPED/changed/reached its apex. That’s just factual. There is always one moment where everything comes together, no matter how fleeting.
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Ok, well he and Pup are having a civil and interesting discussion on origins of species and so forth anyway.

If he gets persnickity, she’s armed with wit and large needles. I’m not worried, lol.

(Well, maybe a little worried for Curious…Pup probably knows judo, too.)
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I know my limits, believe it or not (and I’m laughing, for the record). Too close to military retirement to risk injury.

I’m too cute for a black eye at this point in my life. And far too slow a runner! LOL
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You should PM the moderators with your concerns. Enforcement Rule #3
  1. Judgments by the Moderators can be discussed with the Moderators via private messaging but not on the board itself.
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I used to agree with you. 2 things got me to change my mind:
1- people how wanted nothing to do with God having a miraculous conversion experience (several former drug addicts, a former gang leader, a satanist to name a few)
2- reading up on the history of 1st century Palestine.

I may not be Roman Catholic (as stated above) but still a Christian.

Jesus Himself was A CATHOLIC and founded the RCC and faith as being HIS Church {Mt 16:18} and His Faith {Mt 238:18-16}, so it seems reasonable to ASK if being a Christian “IS ENOUGH”???

And NO, I am NOT saying one HAS to in ALL cases be A Catholic to attain heaven.

Patrick the OP
William Lane Craig’s book ‘Reasonable Faith’ gives three facts the vast majority of historians agree with:
1- Jesus was a Jewish rabbi in the 1st century and killed by the Romans
2- Something happened to (St) Paul of Tarsus to change his mind about Christianity, from persecutor to persecuted (remember the guy was beheaded for believing in Jesus)
3- Jesus’ tomb was empty
Just for the record; Jesus WAS NOT “a Jewish Rabbi”; Jesus started a completely new Faith and Church: SEE Mt 16:18 and Mt 28:18-19

Patrick the OP
If you are going to cite one of the Ten Commandments you must take it at its meaning, Saturday. And one can certainly worship God in many ways primarily by living the most important command Jesus gave us, 'Love
Didn’t Jesus Say that the Sabbath was for MAN: Mk.2:27; Mt 12:5 …

And the Power of the Key’s Mt 16:15-19 GIVES Peter and the RCC Magisterium UNLIMITED Powers of Governance.

Patrick the OP
If it has to begin somewhere, than God has to begin somewhere. You’re telling me infinite chain of causality is imposible so you put the start on God, but if God is the start, there was a start to God. Or else you’re attributing to God something you claim is impossible
You’re thinking “logically” ASSUMING God is somehow limited; restricted and God would NOT be GOD if that were true.

The Bible teaches that GOD is the GREAT “I AM” {Exo 3:14} and in the book of Revelations:

Rev.1: [8] “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

Rev.21: [6] And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the fountain of the water of life without payment.

Rev.22: [13] I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

God always WAS; Always IS a and Always WILL BE

That my friend is OUR Faith: Amen!

Patrick the OP
That would be ridiculous in my opinion. Settling for a world where you allow evil to achieve a greater good rather than create a perfect world with perfect humans to inhabit and enjoy it is itself evil, and proves God is weak or evil. What possible greater good can come of having children born blind or dying of cancer every single second of existence
Ahhhh, GOD DID CREATE A “PERFECT WORLD”…He called it the Garden of Paradise; and Adam through Eve for whom Adam was responsible screwed it up: the Original sin .

May I suggest YOU read the 1st three chapters of the Book of Genesis.


You can do so at this site.

May God Bless and Guide your oath,

Patrick the OP
There’s no first fish?


Everything has had a first.

Where did that first cell - for anything, for the very first life form that existed on this planet - where did that first smidgeon of life come from? Did it evolve out of thin air? Serious question. I’m no theologian (not like some folks here, for certain). I legitimately want to know where you believe it came from. Not a trap. I pro
Genesis Chapter 1
1] In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. [2] And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. [3] And God said: Be light made. And light was made. [4] And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness. [5] And he called the light Day, and the darkness Night; and there was evening and morning one day.

[6] And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters. [7] And God made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so. [8] And God called the firmament, Heaven; and the evening and morning were the second day. [9] God also said: Let the waters that are under the heaven, be gathered together into one place: and let the dry land appear. And it was so done. [10] And God called the dry land, Earth; and the gathering together of the waters, he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.

EXCEPT for humanity made from the earth itself; n whom GOD Breathed His very own life into; everything else was simply WILLED into existence. READ Gen 1,2 and 3

Patrick the OP
Thanks, but that really doesn’t have much to do with what I asked him, and at any rate, I’m Catholic, and not atheist. So I’ve read that multiple times.

I asked him for what he thought.
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I was not expecting such hatred. Are we not on the same side?

I fully sign up to the Apostles creed, the Nicene creed, and the Chalcedonian creed. I believe in Jesus, son of God, died, buried and resurrected. I believe in the catholic church. that definition of ‘catholic’ is broader than yours. It is ‘every human being whose name is written in the book of life across space and time’.

What happened to Romans 10:9? (yes I am fully aware of the follow on from that in the rest of Romans and the entire book of James).

Onto your other point- Jesus was Jewish, and Rabbi means ‘teacher’. Both of those are accurate. However, I concede I should have worded that point differently.
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