Remmy, from your original post and this last one (I admit I haven’t read the whole thread) it seems that you care deeply about all aspects of your children’s education.I am grateful for all of the perspectives & posts thus far-wow!
I continue to grapple w/the whole question of homeschooling, going from being very excited & sure to being scared & questioning my ability to do this well for one & for two-is it better for my kids?
I don’t look down on public school just b/c it is public school. I was public schooled & except for one shining moment in 4th grade, had no memorable academic achievements. I did excel in extra-curricular things, beginning in jr high & exploding in high school. I didn’t learn very much in terms of academics, although I learned tons as to how to win different types of things, like class elections, pep rallies, poster contests, public speaking events & the like. I was smart enough to not have to study & make fine grades w/o it. That I don’t consider myself exceptionally smart, that is one thing that concerns me about the public school curriculum. Granted, this was 20 yrs ago, but from what I see my 8th grader bringing home from public school, it doesn’t appear much has changed…
THERE ARE things I like about public school, one of them being there are lots of opprtunities for achieving & I feel pretty certain my kids would “win” stuff too-they’re smart, friendly and polite…
& I think this would give them a certain sense of accomplishment.
I really, really want my kids to learn & even in this great little private Catholic school here, I don’t feel my smart kids are being challenged academically. I don’t just want them to get good grades like I did & coast, I want them to learn…
I’m thinking the best way to do that is to homeschool & frankly, I’m a little sad at the good things they may miss out on in public or private school-maybe I just need to learn how to offer them those same types of opportunites & I’ve already learned a lot from the posts here…
One other thing I don’t like about my kids being away at school is the amount of what I perceive to be wasted/lost time…all is not wasted, I know, but from my own personal observation, much is. I would rather my kids be w/me, my husband or my parents, learning from us rather than chatting w/their friends-this is what my 9 yr old does when she finishes her work early-socializes-she (& our nearly 5 yr old son) were born knowing how to do this!!
Sorry for the lengthy post & thanks again for all the responses, good & bad!
If anyone has any experience in going to school or working while homeschooling, I’d love to hear it!
The fact is, this is by far the most important factor, regardless of whether your children go to public, private or home education. One of the reasons Montessori methods work in private schools but turn into total chaos whenever they are tried in the public sector is that the children are already well prepared and imbued with a strong sense of the importance of learning by their parents.
At the same time, I’d be careful about talking about ‘wasted’ time. Learning isn’t just a process of constantly hearing and reading, but of taking things in and assimilating them to your personality. Learning is a social activity, and the time children have in school, provided the learning environment is well managed and conducive to the child’s development, which may seem to you to be ‘wasted’ is often key to their development as social individuals, able to use their learning to support others.
I wish you all the best with whatever you decide is best for the education of your children.