But all of her comments were in response to your criticisms. You asked where the educational benefit was. You said that homeschooling cut kids off from real life. You said that it was presumptuous for parents to think they could do better than a decent public school.Well, I’ve already been raked over the coals for my initial posts.
But, when I read yours, I can’t but help feel the superior attitude.
Are you familiar with the French proverb: “Cet animal est tres mechant; quand on l’attaque, il se defend”? (“This animal is very vicious; when you attack it, it defends itself.”) That is what I see on this thread. You have it in for homeschooling, and you keep trying to present yourself as the one under attack. You aren’t. No one has criticized your choices, yet you keep posting with this martyr tone. Why?
I’m sensitive about this because I was homeschooled, and even still (18 years after “graduating” from homeschooling–wow, has it really been that long?) I frequently get negative reactions when I mention it. I see people’s faces tighten up and their voices get tense and out come all the usual cliches (in all fairness, some of them were right in my case–my farmily really did isolate me and I was taught to look down on other kids). Homeschoolers are judged and criticized all the time, and they don’t take kindly to being told that simply by doing what they are doing they are somehow being “holier-than-thou.”
In Christ,