The thread started out as a why we home school and what we think is great about it. It was never to be a thread about why others think we shouldn’t or why you don’t. This thread was for someone that is thinking about home schooling.Mary,
I am being no more judgmental than you were in your diatribe below that espoused the Catholic hierarchy of educational holiness - Home School; if you can’t hs, at least send your kids to Catholic private school; and, if all else fails (if you are some poor slob whose wife has to work), send your kids to public school.
Come on, people.
We all feel that we have made the right choice for our families. We all (me included) need to have a little compassion and charity toward others who have made different choices.
Do we really need to continue this thread? One more rebuttal for everyone and call it a closed thread?
And sorry, but I feel that everyone should consider home schooling. If it is not a good option, because you live in a great area for schools, you are not available to school or you don’t feel you can, then look to other options. Other options include private and public school. And yes, I think public school should be your last choice. Think about it this way. If someone came to you and said, I will pay for your children to attend this wonderful Catholic school, I will pay for transportation, the school it true to Catholic teaching. What would you do? If you would even think about it or consider it, you agree that private school could be a better choice. Not that it IS. Just that it could be.
I have lots of friends that do not home school. I have friends that home schooled but now send their children to school. And I have friends that home school some of their children but send others to school. And I used to send my child to school, but stopped when we moved to a new state.
I have nothing against you sending your child to where ever is best for them. But I do have problems with people that feel that because I home school I am being presumptuous to think that I can possibly teach my own child. And I have problems with people that feel that because I home school I think am superior to others that don’t.
I guess I should never tell anyone about the benefits of home schooling. I should never tell anyone about how much we love it. But that doesn’t make sense.