Saying that the State Department has treasonous members is like saying the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. I don’t see that as any great revelation or a vindication of Joe McCarthy. McCarthy was and always will be a dispicable individual.
Reducing an entire book to spies in the State Department is not fair.
Much of
Treason deals with events before the McCarthy hearings. It was more than State. The US Army Radar Labs in NJ were so badly compromised they were closed and the research moved to Arizona. Top officials in the FDR and Truman adminstration worked for the Soviets.
What McCarthy did was nothing in comparision to what the spies and those who defended them for nearly half a century did. The Rosenbergs didn’t just give Stalin the A-bomb far earlier than he would have been able to develop it, Julius gave the Reds a working version of our proximity fuse.
That fuse was used against American troops huddle in foxholes in Korea–a war Stalin started because he had the A-bomb.
Where is the outrage about all that? Where is the harsh comments about those such as Ed Asner, Robert Scheer, and the Hollywood left who defended this?
I see more directed at Ann Coulter and at McCarthy than at those who aided and abetted spies reponsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of others.
Have you read the book?
Did you read the Executive Session McCarthy hearings transcripts which were release a few years ago after being sealed for 50 years? McCarthy and other Senators protected homosexuals and professors at major universities (MIT was one) were who, unknown to the public, CPUSA members*. The arrogance of those who refused to testify was astounding. They KNEW the left would cover for them. They were lawyered up way beyond what they could afford. Their was a massive effort to hide how corrupt both the Truman and FDR adminstrations were.
Your comment about this not being “news” reminds me of what the New York Times said when Venona was made public. “Old news”, everyone knew this.
I am sure the editors of the New York Times did know the extent of the espionage. But they never reported it. For decades they covered for everyone from the Rosenbergs to Harry Dexter White and Alger Hiss.
That refusal to take the hit to the Democratic party tore America apart.
*for decades liberals said being a member of the CPUSA was no crime. It was just comprised of Americans with different views than most. Many knew that was a lie and fought the left for decades over it.
Turned out it was a lie. When Venona and KGB files were made public in the 1990s, it was clear the CPUSA was funded and directed by Moscow. American party members, of course, knew this.
As astounding footnote is that minutes of years of CPUSA meetings were found in Siberia after the fall of the USSR.
And guess what? The CPUSA sued to have them returned to it, not given to the government. The minutes were their property they claimed.