What's the deal with Anne Coulter?

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I dont even think Michael Moore is that bad. He more made fun of Bush in a humorous way. He didnt act absolutely hateful. If Ann wants to make fun of liberals, fine, I can take a joke. But shes just awful. No one should talk about anyone that way. Youd think liberals were Nazis.
Anne can be very mean-spirited. I agree. But she is factual. Moore can very humorous, but he spouts lies and half-truths. I’d rather have a mean-spirited truth, than a humorous lie. Especially when the lie is being peddled as truth.
Actually, I wish I could delete this post but that’s the problem with the internet – you type a snotty remark on the spur of the moment and it’s out there in cyerspace forever, undeniable evidence that you’re a jerk :mad:

Oh, well. Let this be a lesson to me.
I tip my hat to you! Not too many can admit being wrong. That’s the first step to forgiveness.

We’ve all done similar stuff.
siamesecat[color=Red said:
]I’m a liberal

, but I really do try to look at both sides, which is why I come here. I was in BJs looking @ books and I picked up one of hers. I couldnt read more than a few pages. It was so vulgar and hateful that I couldnt believe this was coming from a woman who claims to be on the side of Christians. It wasnt her subject matter - I can disagree with conservative points but still respect their reasons for feeling that way - but the way she presented her arguments. **She simply **insulted people in horrible ways and **refused to even acknowledge their right to have different viewpoints. **i wouldnt care for a liberal who acted that way either. I dont even think Michael Moore is that bad. He more made fun of Bush in a humorous way. He didnt act absolutely hateful. If Ann wants to make fun of liberals, fine, I can take a joke. But shes just awful. No one should talk about anyone that way. Youd think liberals were Nazis.

Let me guess… you are from a conservative state like Mass. and you think Teddy K is a kind and gentle voice of America.
Anne can be very mean-spirited. I agree. But she is factual. Moore can very humorous, but he spouts lies and half-truths. I’d rather have a mean-spirited truth, than a humorous lie. Especially when the lie is being peddled as truth.
Let me guess… you are from a conservative state like Mass. and you think Teddy K is a kind and gentle voice of America.
Im from mass, yes, but Im not a big Kennedy fan. I wasnt a big Kerry fan. Im not a blind liberal, I do look at both sides of issues. I dont automatically hate everything Republicans do or agree with everything democrats do. My parents voted Bush. I just dont like people who are mean. And why is it such an awful liberal thing to want more gun control. Its like people who are worried about guns are up their with abortionists. I really believe they do more harm than good. Very few depend on hunting to survive, and there are other ways to deal with pests. We wouldnt need them if so many other people didnt misuse them.
And why is it such an awful liberal thing to want more gun control. Its like people who are worried about guns are up their with abortionists. I really believe they do more harm than good. Very few depend on hunting to survive, and there are other ways to deal with pests. We wouldnt need them if so many other people didnt misuse them.
You take away people’s right to bear arms and the violent crime rate will increase; proven fact. An armed society is a polite society. Would you believe that during the wild west, when practically everyone was armed, the murder rate per capita was LOWER than in most modern cities?
When I first saw Anne Coulter, (perhaps 11 years ago?)I thought it was rather refreshing to see an attractive young woman speak so frankly and intelligently about politics. I was a college bound girl interested in politics and was actually a bit encouraged by her confidence and relative success in the field of political analysis/political journalism. I was working toward a double major in political journalism and art, so found her interesting.

HOWEVER, lately when I look at her she is not the same girl she used to be! She doesn’t seem to be taking good care of herself, she looks worn and haggard. She used to be frank, but not as mean-spirited as she is now. I hate to say this but the way she carries herself she looks like she is about to “lose it” She looks like someone who suffers. I can’t bear to watch her, it’s disturbing because I think something is seriously wrong with her.
You take away people’s right to bear arms and the violent crime rate will increase; proven fact. An armed society is a polite society. Would you believe that during the wild west, when practically everyone was armed, the murder rate per capita was LOWER than in most modern cities?
In some European countries, most policement arent even armed. Ive heard many Europeans commenting on how weird it is that all our policemen are. And the crime rate is much lower. The cops dont need the guns. In all honesty, I know nobody who has a gun. The news is full of senseless shootings. Do you think the guys who wrote the Constitution wanted the right to bear arms to be taken advantage of by the city gangs? The reason the deaths are higher in Boston, is because of the youth killing each other in gangs. Get rid of the guns and theyll have to work a lot harder. I just dont think it should be a right to have guns.
Saying that the State Department has treasonous members is like saying the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. I don’t see that as any great revelation or a vindication of Joe McCarthy. McCarthy was and always will be a dispicable individual.
Saying that the State Department has treasonous members is like saying the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. I don’t see that as any great revelation or a vindication of Joe McCarthy. McCarthy was and always will be a dispicable individual.
Reducing an entire book to spies in the State Department is not fair.

Much of Treason deals with events before the McCarthy hearings. It was more than State. The US Army Radar Labs in NJ were so badly compromised they were closed and the research moved to Arizona. Top officials in the FDR and Truman adminstration worked for the Soviets.

What McCarthy did was nothing in comparision to what the spies and those who defended them for nearly half a century did. The Rosenbergs didn’t just give Stalin the A-bomb far earlier than he would have been able to develop it, Julius gave the Reds a working version of our proximity fuse.

That fuse was used against American troops huddle in foxholes in Korea–a war Stalin started because he had the A-bomb.

Where is the outrage about all that? Where is the harsh comments about those such as Ed Asner, Robert Scheer, and the Hollywood left who defended this?

I see more directed at Ann Coulter and at McCarthy than at those who aided and abetted spies reponsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans and millions of others.

Have you read the book?

Did you read the Executive Session McCarthy hearings transcripts which were release a few years ago after being sealed for 50 years? McCarthy and other Senators protected homosexuals and professors at major universities (MIT was one) were who, unknown to the public, CPUSA members*. The arrogance of those who refused to testify was astounding. They KNEW the left would cover for them. They were lawyered up way beyond what they could afford. Their was a massive effort to hide how corrupt both the Truman and FDR adminstrations were.

Your comment about this not being “news” reminds me of what the New York Times said when Venona was made public. “Old news”, everyone knew this.

I am sure the editors of the New York Times did know the extent of the espionage. But they never reported it. For decades they covered for everyone from the Rosenbergs to Harry Dexter White and Alger Hiss.

That refusal to take the hit to the Democratic party tore America apart.

*for decades liberals said being a member of the CPUSA was no crime. It was just comprised of Americans with different views than most. Many knew that was a lie and fought the left for decades over it.

Turned out it was a lie. When Venona and KGB files were made public in the 1990s, it was clear the CPUSA was funded and directed by Moscow. American party members, of course, knew this.

As astounding footnote is that minutes of years of CPUSA meetings were found in Siberia after the fall of the USSR.

And guess what? The CPUSA sued to have them returned to it, not given to the government. The minutes were their property they claimed.
I like Sean Hannity, and Alan Colmbs and enjoy their show. I used to enjoy Rush, but haven’t listened to him in quite a few years.

It isn’t so much that I disagree with Ann Coulter’s politics, but have been taken aback by how harsh she can be. I do question whether we are more taken aback because women are supposed to be “nice” and would tolerate the frank personality more on a man?
The reason for bringing up Joe McCarthy was to show just how far the lunatic right fringe will go to justify their agenda. If you carry that reasoning to a logical conclusion then we have to exonorate Adolph Hitler because he tried to rid the world of Bolshevism.
In some European countries, most policement arent even armed. Ive heard many Europeans commenting on how weird it is that all our policemen are. And the crime rate is much lower.
Let the Europeans to what they want to do. Per their crime rate per capita isn’t that much lower than ours.
In all honesty, I know nobody who has a gun.
Come down South; you’re practically issued one at birth.
The news is full of senseless shootings. Do you think the guys who wrote the Constitution wanted the right to bear arms to be taken advantage of by the city gangs? The reason the deaths are higher in Boston, is because of the youth killing each other in gangs. Get rid of the guns and theyll have to work a lot harder. I just dont think it should be a right to have guns.
Just because it’s in the news, it doesn’t make it widespread. Murder is the least committed crime in the US but is the most reported; violence sells.

City gangs do not take advantage of the Right to Bear Arms. Do you think most of the guns used in violent crimes are legally purchased? From the data I studied in college, a majority were illegally purchased. If they don’t have guns, they’ll use knives, homemade bombs, etc.
Let the Europeans to what they want to do. Per their crime rate per capita isn’t that much lower than ours.

Come down South; you’re practically issued one at birth.

Just because it’s in the news, it doesn’t make it widespread. Murder is the least committed crime in the US but is the most reported; violence sells.

City gangs do not take advantage of the Right to Bear Arms. Do you think most of the guns used in violent crimes are legally purchased? From the data I studied in college, a majority were illegally purchased. If they don’t have guns, they’ll use knives, homemade bombs, etc.
I agree. I have no desiere to own a gun but am glad that responsible citizens, like my husband, who are comfortable with them do. If responsible citizens were not permitted to own guns , only the criminals would.

Cultural groups have turned their own bodies and everyday objects such as brooms sticks, canes, fans and gardening tools into deadly weapons. When peasants were not allowed to be armed, many found a way to defend themselves. My 8 yr. old Karate daughter is wicked good with her bow! (basically a broomstick) Various forms of marshall arts are found throughout the globe.
Close, very close…rearrange the sentance and you’ve got it right!

The Nazi’s were Liberals. Thats a fact.

I love Anne! She’s awesome!

I get so sick of people tippy-toeing around issues, trying oh-so-hard not to insult people. Anne doesn’t do that. She goes for the jugular. Call it like it is…thats all I ask.

As a conservative, I get sick of the attacks from the left all the freakin time. Its nice to have at least one attack dog of our own…
I guess that’s why the ACLU pushed so hard for the Nazis to march in Skokie in 1978.

Actually, I think un-American postings like your’s should be banned. Hundreds of thousands American service men and women died fighting the Nazi menace that killed tens of millions in their twisted pursuit of ethnic purity. And you have the nerve to compare me to a follower of that twisted hateful offal of race hatred. How dare you.
I guess that’s why the ACLU pushed so hard for the Nazis to march in Skokie in 1978.

Actually, I think un-American postings like your’s should be banned. Hundreds of thousands American service men and women died fighting the Nazi menace that killed tens of millions in their twisted pursuit of ethnic purity. And you have the nerve to compare me to a follower of that twisted hateful offal of race hatred. How dare you.
You want someone banned because she likes to read Ann Coulter?
I guess that’s why the ACLU pushed so hard for the Nazis to march in Skokie in 1978. .
I am not claiming it was organized but what the ACLU did in the Skokie matter raised a lot of money for other leftists groups. The left has a history of this going back in America to the 1920s. Make sure there is a bogeyman out there everyone sees so those of little discernment rally to the cause of perceived righteousness and perhaps sent in checks. In the case of Skokie, the ACLU while not providing the bogeyman (I think) sure made the bogeyman into a national event.

Aside from that, the ACLU can’t always be trying to censor the free exercise of religion, protect abortionists and work on its other favorite causes. Now and then it needs to pull a Skokie to prove, to those unaware of its goals, history and tactics, it is not the front Foster, Baldwin and others created it to be.
You want someone banned because she likes to read Ann Coulter?
No. The poster said liberals were nazis. Nazis turned people into lampshades and soap. Nazis believed “blood” and “race” made humans people. Nazis believed humans who did not share their ethnic group were sub-humans who can be killed or worked to death. Nazis killed over 6 million people because of their religion. Finally, Americans declared war on nazis and suffered hundreds of thousands of deaths to defeat this evil. To call fellow Americans “nazis” is a libel.

Moderaters, please review. Calling liberal Americans “nazis” is beyond the bounds charity and decency.
No. To call fellow Americans “nazis” is a libel.

Moderaters, please review. Calling liberal Americans “nazis” is beyond the bounds charity and decency.
Peculiar rules you have set down here. It’s ok for liberals use the term ‘nazi’ when debating but all others who use the term should be banned.
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