It wasn’t “out of the blue.” Gloria Steinem help found Ms. magazine (that’s where that divisive word comes from). I can still hear the Women’s Libbers from the 1970s: “Sisters! Throw off the chains of your oppression!!” Men were called ‘male chauvenist pigs’ who only wanted women for sex - nothing else. Gloria Steinem: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Get out of the house. Put the kids in day care. Give them a key when they get old enough. And the parenting part occurred when? Divorce the bum.
Men are the eternal enemies class. Women, the eternal victims class. Plant that seed of doubt. Go ahead, believe it. Take ‘Women’s Studies’ in college because women no longer have a species relationship with men.
Fast forward to Sex and the City and you get female chauvenist pigs.
Men are the eternal enemies class. Women, the eternal victims class. Plant that seed of doubt. Go ahead, believe it. Take ‘Women’s Studies’ in college because women no longer have a species relationship with men.
Fast forward to Sex and the City and you get female chauvenist pigs.
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