That is a good question - with many answers.Why is it that some of us are able to learn and some of us are not? And why do the “unlearned” have to remain in ignorance for eternally? Are they incapable of learning? Is that what you are saying?
For one thing, some people do not learn because they do not want to. They may think they are “good enough” and “at least are not Al Capone” or somesuchthing, and they think that to be the epitome of goodness.
These sorts of people may or may not be misinformed by “bad example given by others, enslavement to one’s passions[cravings], assertion of a mistaken notion of autonomy of conscience[or, “and always let your conscience be your guide” thinking], rejection of the Church’s authority and her teaching, lack of conversion and of charity…” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1792).
“If - on the contrary - the ignorance is invincible, or the moral subject is not responsible for his erroneous judgment, the evil committed by the person cannot be imputed to him…” (CCC, 1793).
But, evil is still evil, even if we don’t know it to be so. If I kill an innocence, and think I have done good, for whatever reason, I must be taught, insofar as is possible, I am wrong, and I did wrong. Now we, we humans, we can only do so much. We can offer you logic, proofs, evidence, science, whatever. But you, my friend, you can always choose to doubt. You will have plenty of reason to do so - many of those reasons given above, and so many more.
But when you go to see God, God will not allow you to be ignorant any longer. Where we tiny humans may fail - as we do so often - God will not allow failure. Unless - and it is your choice - you refuse to believe you have done wrong.
What makes you say that’s the point? A person can seek the good and still be wrong.If we are created to seek the good, then it logically follows that everyone is seeking the good as he or she understands it. That’s the point.
The point is getting to actual goodness, not what I think is good. Otherwise, is not goodness just what I think is good, and therefore meaningless to anyone else?