Those were both instances of organized armed forces, using weapons of the sort that not even the NRA would say should be allowed for the general public.
While opfor in both cases had access to some heavier weaponry supplied by outside intervention, they still did most of the fighting with improvised weapons and basic small arms. In a similar situation in the United States, some local police, regular military, National Guard, state defense forces, and combat vets would be able to supply comparable equipment. Besides, it is a numbers game. You have 1,000,000 or so Army soldiers and Marines. There are 100 times that many gun owners.
We have had lots of rights during history but many of them have had to be removed or amended. Things evolve.
Wrong, rights are yours quite literally by right.
They had weapons more powerful than anything that is being proposed today under the 2nd amendment. I’m not sure you would be all that happy if some of those Mujahideen types started accumulating that kind of weaponry in your neighborhood.
See my comment above. Frankly, if those were Mujahideen, that would mean they were nationalists who would want to establish an Islamic state. If people with those views started stockpiling weapons, that should give you concern as well.
When I quoted Jesus as never having a gun I was told it was a bad comparison ? Since when were Catholics allowed to put aside Jesus teachings ? After all he was a man of peace and turning the other cheek. If you can lightly ignore his teachings then what the heck is left ?
In the Gospel, Jesus specifies the right cheek as the one being struck. Why would He specify the right cheek?
Most people are right-handed. If you want to strike someone on his right cheek while facing him and you are not a boxer, that most intuitional way to strike them is with your right hand. The only way to do that is a backhanded slap which is more of an insult rather than a serious blow. By offering the left cheek, if that person wants to continue striking with their right hand, they have to use an open hand slap or a punch. My parish priest told me that during the culture of the time, a slap with the back of the hand was reserved for inferiors. A fist or palm was used for equals who had the right to defend themselves. Thus the assailant either had to stop the attack or allow the other person to defend himself. Jesus was giving a very canny piece of advice which was not a command to be a doormat.
Besides, when discussing what Jesus would do, remember that grabbing a weapon and forcibly defending your family’s household and honor is a perfectly legitimate response. :nunchuk: