Whats your favorite argument for the existence of God?

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Yes, and that applies to one’s own experiences too. One cannot observe oneself objectively. We cannot analyse ourselves, therefore I’d be very cautious with statements like “From my own expereince I know exactly how the human mind works”.
Okay, try another one. You cannot objectively observe other people’s minds. You also cannot observe your own when it is doing anything other than observing itself. Either way, a “we can explain everything” type scientist has got a major (insoluable) problem on his/her hands.
Okay, try another one. You cannot objectively observe other people’s minds. You also cannot observe your own when it is doing anything other than observing itself. Either way, a “we can explain everything” type scientist has got a major problem on his/her hands.
Any poor scientific explanation based on poor facts is better than any elaborated esoteric explanation based on no facts at all.
Besides not being able to explain everything does not mean, something has no physical (or explainable) basis.
So i’m taking a Philosophy of Religion class this semester, so far really enjoying it. All we have talked about for the first month is all the arguments for the existence of God. We have gone over the Ontological, Cosmological, Design, Coherence, and Moral arguments for the existence of God. It got me wondering about a hypothetical situation.

Say you met an atheist, and he said you have just one chance to convince him. You can only give him one argument, and that’s it. My question is, what is the argument you would use to try and convince him?

Personally I like all of the arguments and think they all have merit. As far as psychological effectiveness, the argument from Design seems to have the most weight probably. However I am starting to feel as if the Moral argument might be the best argument overall. So it would definitely be a tossup between those two, but if I had to choose I might go with the Moral argument.

What would you choose?
Just as fish swim around in water, we live in the “fishbowl” of time and space. Since there is an “outside” of time and space, the odds are reasonable that something or, more appropriately, Someone, exists in this “outside” and possesses a consciousness unlimited by the constraints of the fishbowl. This is God.
Yes, and that applies to one’s own experiences too. One cannot observe oneself objectively. We cannot analyse ourselves, therefore I’d be very cautious with statements like “From my own experience I know exactly how the human mind works”.
You can hardly say you have no experiences whatsoever. Nor is there any reason to deny that your experiences which are similar to others’ experiences count as objective evidence. That we are all thinking is the most indubitable fact of all - because external reality is inferred from our perceptions whereas we have direct knowledge of our thoughts.
That we are all thinking is the most indubitable fact of all - because external reality is inferred from our perceptions whereas we have direct knowledge of our thoughts.
But then, maybe you just believe that you are thinking when in reality, you are just believing. 😃
I understand what you are saying, but technically, it is incorrect to say that a present thing has potential but a past thing has none.

Past things don’t exist at all, thus any discussion must refer to what potential they had in the past.
If past things don’t exist at all then what is this “they” to which you refer?
The past HAD the potential of causing the present. The present HAS the potential of causing the future. The future WILL HAVE the potential for causing more future.
When I confront an atheist and he tries to convince me that our Lord is non-existent I only show him this picture.
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When I confront an atheist and he tries to convince me that our Lord is non-existent I only show him this picture.
A brilliant example of your particular sect’s logic. Thank you for sharing.
The problem for a meterialist is that that kind of reductionism doesn’t work. Everybody knows what they mean by love, and they don’t mean the bio-chemical processes which may be observed to accompany the experience.
They mean the emotion caused by the chemicals.
Sooner or later you are going to have to understand that describing the empirical attributes of people, does not describe them in their entirety. A person whom has experience of being a person will have experiences that cannot be measured by science, and yet they are definite aspects of what it means to be a human being; a person. How embarrassing that you did not know this. How old are you?
I find it rather amusing that you have to resort to common insult and mockery, it illustrates just how incompetent you are in defending your beliefs.

Maybe you’d like to prove my comment wrong? That would be a good start, instead of just behaving like an infant.
They mean the emotion caused by the chemicals.
Merely to observe that an emotion is concomitant with some neurological process tells you nothing except that they seem to accompany one another. (And no amount of bombast from materialists will alter that fact.)
Merely to observe that an emotion is concomitant with some neurological process tells you nothing except that they seem to accompany one another. (And no amount of bombast from materialists will alter that fact.)
And that wouldn’t be a very good indicator that that emotion and that neurological process are connected?
That the planets go around the sun tells you nothing except that they seem to accompany one another? No indication for some law of gravity?
I’ve read through this entire post and perhaps I missed it, but not a single person mentioned that:

LOVE is proof that God Exisits!

For the saint, Love wells up from the heart and obliterates all logical controversies. The burden of the atheist philosopher, or any philosopher that rejects God is Love must also prove that speculative reasoning and “logical conclusion” is above emotional experience. That is, one must prove mental speculation is somehow superior to “feelings”.

I know of no cognitive philosophy that can produce a body of witnesses that give common testimony of an atheistic experiential revelation.

On the other hand, the saints, sages, and masters of all theistic tradition provide a path that leads to a common experience. This is called SCIENCE. THERE EXISTS A SCIENCE OF GOD REALIZATION. THE CONVERSE IS NOT TRUE.

God as love is the foundation of ALL Truth, inclusive of non Christian theists.

The self surrender of Jesus is the witness of His incomprehensible compassion and love.

For atheist or agnostic, the real question that must be answered is “Does Love Exist?” "Is Love transcendent (does love transcend time, … it is eternal)?

Our (theistic) philosophy says from the beginning, God IS Love. That is our science of God. That is our platform. We have laid claim to this platform throughout all recorded history, and from all cultures, denominations, and religions.

Love exists. Love is eternal. God is Love.

***"God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him” *(1 Jn 4:16). **
Haha… You are seriously getting lost in your own words.
How exactly? Can you show me that you understand what i am talking about? Probably not; otherwise you would have made an actual rebuttal instead of wasting peoples time with the mere assertion that i have committed an error. Perhaps you should read the highlighted part within the context of everything else, especially the words that follow.
Try saying those assertions much slower without using “potentiality”, “necessity”, or “actuality”. 😉
Of cause thats the only way you can defeat the arguement by arbitrarily taking potentiality necessity and actuality out of the picture. Otherwise my arguement stands.
Does it make sense to treat the people you meet as subsets of physical organisms? Or to regard subsets of physical organisms as having a right to life? Why use the term “person” at all?
Notionally, for the same reason you don’t refer to a dog as an ‘animal.’ For example, if someone asks you what pets you have, would you say, “2 cats and a dog” or “3 animals?” But we’re getting away from the point here - you’re implying that I de-personalise people. That’s not the case at all - I just recognise that people are physical organisms.
The taxonomy you use is biological - which most people would regard as an inadequate category for a person.
“Most people?” Where’s your reference for that? I assume you are not implying that “most people” don’t believe that persons are biological in nature. More likely that they are not purely biological. However, there’s no evidence that this the case. That’s my point.
We are referring to evidence not proof.
Yes - evidence of God’s existence. The existence of consciousness is not evidence, any more than the existence of my glass of water.
Do you really believe it is as easy to explain a glass of water as a person?
That’s not the point, as I’ve explained above. The point is whether either of them constitute evidence of God. Neither of them do.
Do you believe everything for which there is no evidence?
Of course not, that would be as stupid as believing in God ;).
Such as the origin of rational beings from irrational processes…
Again you demonstrate that your argument is one from personal incredulity. Not from any kind of evidence or robust logic.
Once again you are assuming that scientific explanation is the only valid form of explanation.
Let’s be careful here. I’m not talking about science, in terms of physics and chemistry, I’m talking about the scientific method. This means that any explanations have to be observable, predictable, objective and repeatable. I can’t see that any other method can produce reliable results. Surely, by definition, if it doesn’t meet the above criteria it’s just subjective - which is not an adequate basis for explanation. I’d be really interested to hear any basis for disagreement.
I am asking a question, not assuming anything.
Okay, apologies. My answer is, none. Nor is there any evidence that intangible realities are the product of anything other than physical processes. We just don’t know. Not knowing is a lousy reason to make stuff up.
What evidence can you produce for that belief?
None - as I said, it’s a belief. It’s tentatively supported, I suppose, by a lack of any other valid explanation, but I’m aware that I might be wrong. If I am, I’ll be thrilled to know the truth if and when it is discovered using an adequate process.
How would you define a self?
Ooh, there’s a question! I’m not sure I can in any meaningful terms.
How do think they are related to consciousness?
As I said, they are aspects. In the same way that a branch could be said to be an aspect of a tree.
When everyone has similar subjective experiences those experiences become objective evidence.
It’s not as simple as that as I’m sure you are aware. Subjective experiences can be influenced in a number of ways: by written material; by indoctrination; by individual belief; or by chemical means. I think it’s fair to say that religion meets 75% of these criteria, and there are probably more.
Then you are not justified in regarding physical explanations as the only valid explanations.
You are getting confused between ‘physical’ and ‘tangible.’ And you also seem to be equating physics with scientific method, which is an error.
“I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.” - Einstein
A good quote, the meaning of which you presumably fail to grasp!
Why do bodies have a right to life?Because human laws and morals have developed (in most countries) to mandate it.
Then truths must be intangible realities.
Yes. Both those that are known through repeated testing, and those that are as yet unknown.
It amounts to the same thing.
Depending on your definition of each! But yes, we probably understand the same thing by it.
So you believe thoughts are determined by physical events?
As I said earlier, yes, I do believe that. I have no evidence for it, but nor is there any evidence that it’s otherwise.
What precisely is justice then?Do you believe tangible reality is more fundamental? If so why?
As I said, justice is a human concept. You may have got my answer to your subsequent question mixed in here!
If you can’t fake’em with the facts, then baffle’em with the bull? 😃

"Son, obviously Santa Claus is real else the actuality of the potential for his actuality would be an uncaused necessity of potential reality, so nothing else could be possible."

Sounds like something I might be tempted to say to a 5 yrold. 😉
Perhaps “James S Saint” would personally say that to a five year old, because a five year old wouldn’t normally understand that you have just made a caricature and a straw-man out of my arguement, for lack of a rebuttal.

If only you knew how to actually form a proper rebuttal:rolleyes:.
“Most people?” Where’s your reference for that? I assume you are not implying that “most people” don’t believe that persons are biological in nature. More likely that they are not purely biological. However, there’s no evidence that this the case. That’s my point.
There is evidence. One must approach the analysis of human physiology from basic laws of electromagnetic field theory.

Magnetic resonance imaging would not work unless physiology behaved like a electro magnetic (closed) circuit. Upon breaking the circuit (death) the electro magnetic energy from this circuit can’t be destroyed, but by law of conservation of energy must persist in some form.

The question you must answer is conscious experience (inclusive of deep sleep) something that is stored in the field or stored in the physical properties of the circuit (brain/cells, etc)

The science of electromagnetism concludes the energy is stored in the field (which by the way, can be transfered to another system)
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