I don’t think that I did.
Potentiality refers actually to causality in that for something to have the potential to become, it has to have a cause preceding it such as to trigger that potential into the actual.
But that inherently means that for the present to have come about, there had to be a potential in the past so as to bring about the present.
You are correct in so far as you mean that all changing beings or beings that began to exist were at some point only potential realities. However, from the perspective of the present, the past is actual not potential. Future events are potential. Something that is already actual, is no longer potential, although it was at some point in the past, in respect to its beginning, a potential reality. But when we speak of the past in respect of the future and the present, it is a mistake to apply potentiality to something that has already come to exist, since when we speak of procession we mean it in respect of that which potentially proceeds in to the future or is moving in to the future.
The context and perspective changes when we move from the abstraction of logic to ontological events themselves. Just because you know that some beings began to exist, doesn’t mean you can say that the past is potential, unless you explain that the context in which you are describing events has nothing to do with the past but rather is a logical abstraction of beings in so far as what it means for them to begin or change from one state to the next. But if you are talking about the past as the past from the context of the present moment and the future, you can only say that there were actual beings that now constitute the actual past that were at some point only potential realities; you cannot say that the past has the potential to exist (if thats what you mean). It has already become actual, and thus it is correct to apply actuality to what we understand to be past events. I don’t know how else to explain it.
It seems to me there is a severe contextual error in your understanding. You have to clearly explain in what context you are using the term “potential”, and how your arguments follow from that particular context. It seems to me that you are mixing up the context in which are using the term “potential”.
That “past potential” cannot logically have a beginning = causality.
Why? If you mean that you cannot understand how the universe could begin with out something causing it, thats a point, but it is not a proof that therefore there must be an infinite number of events.
If all events are contingent, then they ought not to exist at all, since there is no explanation for why they should exist in the first place. Their potential to exist cannot ultimately be because of a potential being. It doesn’t matter how many numbers are involved, you will never find a sufficient reason for why an infinite chain of
potential beings ought to exist. If there were an infinite number of beings without a cause, then that would mean that potentiality precedes all potential beings, since there is no changing being that doesn’t potentially exist.
There is no being in the infinite series that can explain why there is the potential for an infinite series of beings. You cannot get existence from mere potentiality. Potentiality is caused by existence, and in order for potentiality to make sense, existence must absolutely proceed potentiality. But an infinite number of potential events is not existence; its just potential, since every existential being in the series is dependent on the potentiality to exist, and thus is not the reason for existence itself. If you cannot find a reason for why the infinite chain exists, then you cannot claim that the universe exists because of an infinite number of events.