That doesn’t answer the question. Even it was true, why should this initial uncaused cause be a god and in particular your God? Why not Ptah, why not the Big Bang itself, why not just an initial uncaused cause?
I would like to address this question in what limited knowledge I have.
Science tells us the Universe, with very high probably, began as a single point in space and time. In fact before this moment all matter either did not existed or was compact into this very tiny point in space. Since space and time is interrelated based on Einstein’s general relativity and the concept of worldlines, time was still in this compact point as well. All of the universe is contained in here. There is no scientific reason for the universe to suddenly expand unless there is an external source. Any internal source would have implied that before this moment, the universe was not a point. This is because this whole system which is only one point is a closed system if the cause of it’s expansion is an internal source. And because of that, the compactness would have to be a singular instance of irrational stability. However there there is no evidence of such pre-big bang system. (Examples of evidence that there is a physical cause for the big bang would be findings that there are parallel universe colliding with each other, gravitons escaping our universe, etc.)
Well if there is no physical cause (i.e. no natural causes within our own universe) for the expansion of the universe from a single point, then there has to be a supernatural cause. If this is such, then what is this supernatural cause.
First, if there is such a supernatural cause then physical science cannot deal with this since the underlining assumptions of physical science includes the existence of matter, reality, and patterned interaction within reality of matter and energy. This would be enough evidence against a disbelief in supernatural phenomena.
Secondly, if we named this supernatural phenomena as an act of God, then there is nothing wrong with this. So the issue then becomes is this God the God that Catholics know. Well, now it would go beyond the topic of the discussion which is “argument for the existence of God”.
As an off topic. If we wanted to know about this supernatural cause, then we can start with readings from the already existing religions or try to make up one of our own. I would suggest reading about Catholicism =). It may save you a bit of work. A neutral Christian book that many, particular agnostics or atheists have found to be useful is Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. If you have already read this, I would suggest the New American Bible translation of the Bible and a book or two about the Early Church Fathers.