Whats your Favorite Marian Devotion?

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A taste of the Little Office for everyone

Matins’ hymn

The Lord, Whom earth, and air, and sea
With one adoring voice resound;
Who rules them all in majesty;
In Mary’s heart a cloister found.

Lo! in a humble Virgin’s womb
O’ershadowed by almighty power,
He Whom the stars,and sun, and moon,
Each serve in their appointed hour.

O Mother blest, to whom was given
Within the compass to contain
The Architect of the earth and heaven,
Whose hands the universe sustain!

To thee was sent an angel down;
In thee the Spirit was enshrined;
From thee came forth that mighty One,
The long desired of all mankind.

O Jesu! born of Virgin bright ,
Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally.
This may have been answered somewhere else, but my husband and I would like to get enrolled with the brown scapular. Neither of us remember getting enrolled. What is the proper procedure for having this done?
My favorite is one that came to me while I was praying the “Hail Mary”. It is one that I have never seen before but just came into my head a little bit at a time over a period of about two or three months. It starts with a “Glory Be” and ends with a “Glory Be” and an “Our Father”. In between is this:

"Dear sweet Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, we call to you with love and respect. We honor your perfect grace. Your grace is complete, you are full of grace. From your Immaculate Conception to your Assumption into heaven where you reign as Queen forever, the Lord is with you, and you are with the Lord. Wherever He is, you are and wherever you are, He is. Mary, you are the most blessed among all women from Eve to the end of time, and blessed above all His creation is your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Redeemer, the Messiah, the Lamb of God, Emmanuel.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the church, Mother of us all, Mother of each one of us, thank you for saying “Yes” to Jesus and welcoming him into your life. You interceded with your Son on behalf of the wedding party at Cana. When their wine was depleted you brought their need to Jesus and you instructed those present to do whatever He told them. He heard you and their need was met abundantly when they accepted His help and obeyed His commands.

We confess that we are sinners, we ask God to forgive us, and we thank Him for all the blessings we have received in our lives. We promise to turn away from the sinful habits of our past, to accept Jesus as His Son and welcome Him into our lives, and to obey His word.

Mother Mary, intercede for us now, for the needs of your children today, especially for ______________, and again for the fate of our souls when we depart this life to face our final judgment, and for the souls of our departed friends, relatives, and loved ones, including _____________________, and for all the souls in Purgetory.


Brian from Avalon, PA, USA
“It’s your baby, not your body - there is no choice”
Life Offeringhttp://www.divinemercy.com.au/booklets/images/Life_Offering.jpg

This is a Devotion I like.


****To the Sacred Heart of Jesus through The Immaculate Heart of Mary

" A Call to be a Quiet Modern Apostle "

NIHIL OBSTAT: P. Alberto Valenzuel, S.J.

IMPRIMATUR: Pbro. Agustin Gutierez de la Torre,

Vicario General de la Arquidiocesis Guadalajara, 12 de junio de 1988.

IMPRIMATUR also by the local Bishop in Hungary.

**(Verbal. The Bishop himself offered his life according to the request of **
Our Lady which follows.)


**The following messages, prayers and promises were received by a privileged **
**Hungarian nun, a consoling soul, who in her humility and obedience to her **
**spiritual director wishes to remain anonymous. Mary, Our Heavenly Mother, **
**implores those who receive Holy Communion daily,or at least weekly, to **
**offer their lives to the glory of God and to save their souls,that they may **
not be damned but will receive, at their last hour, the graces of eternal life


1. "Their name will be written in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,inflamed by love."

2. "Their life offerings, together with the infinite merits of Jesus,can save many souls from damnation."

**3. "None of their family members will go to hell, even if it seems **
**otherwise, because they will receive in the depths of their souls the **
graces of sincere contrition before the soul departs from their bodies."

4. "On the day they offer their lives, their loved ones suffering in Purgatory will be released."

**5. "I will be with them in the hour of their deaths. They will not know **
**Purgatory. I will carry them in their souls straight to the presence of the **
**Glorious Trinity, where they will live with Me in a special place created **
by God and will rejoice forever"


"My dear Jesus, before the Trinity, Our Heavenly Mother,

and the whole Heavenly Court, united with Your Most Precious Sacred Blood

and Your Sacrifice on Calvary, hereby I offer my whole life to the intention of

Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Together with my life

I place at Your disposal all Holy Masses, all my Holy Communions,

all my good deeds, all my sacrifices, and the sufferings of my entire life

for the adoration and supplication of the Holy Trinity,

for unity in our Holy Mother Church, for the Holy Father and for priests,

**for good priestly vocations, and for all souls until the end of the **

O my Jesus, please accept my life sacrifice and my offerings and give

me Your grace that I may persevere obediently until my death. Amen."

**This life offering must be done with humble heart, firm resolution and **
clear intent.

**All prayer, good deeds, suffering and work done with pure intention has **
great merit,

**if it is offered together with the merits, the sufferings and the blood of **
Jesus Christ.

It is recommended to do this life offering as soon as you feel ready, and

renew it from time to time.
I voted for the Rosary but I am also enrolled in the Brown Scapular and wear it as well. Today I just purchased a copy of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary and said the morning prayers for Saturday. I have wanted to say the Little Office for quite some time now and so now I can! and I also purchased one of them for my friend who is getting baptized tonight at the Easter Vigil. Many blessings, and Happy Easter to everyone!
My favorite Marian devotion is the Jesus Prayer, beyond a doubt.
Not the Akathist? Hmm…

Please don’t become you know what. I also have thought of that but the Church of the Apostles is the Catholic Church.
I voted the Rosary but I love our Lady so much I use many prayers and devotions.
Our community has been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Bishop Mark Coleridge and I love to sing the Salve after Holy Mass and the Office
May God bless and Mary protect you all
I would have to say the Rosary, of course. Also, the Brown Scapular
I pray my Rosary and since I joined the Militia Immaculata I wear the Miraculous Medal (Our bullet against the heart of the devil). I also love the Memorare.
Pax vobiscum,
The most perfect of all Marian devotions . . . is the Holy Mass.
I agree with you that the Holy Mass is the most perfect of all Marian devotions. I once had a book containing St Maximilian Kolbe’s teachings on the relation between Mary and the Eucharist but I lost it 😦 , sadly before I had a chance to read much any of it.
Corpus Cristi:
I like the rosary, the miraculous medal, and Marian prayers, but I also like the devotion of the first five Saturdays. This is a devotion that came from the apparitions at Fatima. She showed little Francesco, Jacinta, and Lucia her immaculate heart, that had a sword going through it, but also, thorns poking it. She told the children that those thorns were the result of people hurting her immaculate heart by denying the titles given to her and cursing her name, such as protestants who don’t like Marian doctrines or devotions, and as a result, turn completely against Mary because they don’t want to be for anything that Catholic church is for
Unfortunately I’ve experienced that. I joined a Protestant forum a few weeks ago to answer a friend’s questions about the Church. I signed my name “God bless you,
Corinne” until I got brave enough to sign it as I do in almost all my emails: “my Mother my Confidence,
The Prots really didn’t like that. Some even parodied my sig. Lord have mercy on us! Have they heard of the Commandment “Honor thy father and thy mother”?!?

my Mother my Confidence,
Does one have to get their Miraculous Medal blessed in order for it to give its benefits?
Corpus Cristi:
I like the rosary, the miraculous medal, and Marian prayers, but I also like the devotion of the first five Saturdays. This is a devotion that came from the apparitions at Fatima. She showed little Francesco, Jacinta, and Lucia her immaculate heart, that had a sword going through it, but also, thorns poking it. She told the children that those thorns were the result of people hurting her immaculate heart by denying the titles given to her and cursing her name, such as protestants who don’t like Marian doctrines or devotions, and as a result, turn completely against Mary because they don’t want to be for anything that Catholic church is for, but also, some secularists who trash Mary by denying the virgin birth. She told them that to make repiration for this, to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary for at least fifteen minutes, to go to confession, and to attend holy mass all on the first Saturdays for five consecutive months, sort of like the first 9 Fridays.
The Lady of the Rosary and the three children of Fatima mean so much to me. Sister Lucy for her courage, Bessed Lucinda for her purity and Blessed Francisco for his devotion. I just love them and pray everyday to become more like them.

Oh my God forgive us, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven especially those most in need of your mercy.

What a beautiful prayer taught to us by our Blessed Holy Mother.
The Rosary! I love it. It makes me feel so close to the Blessed Mother and Our Savior Jesus Christ.

I wear the Miraculous Medal around my neck and give it as gifts. Also, I wear the Scapular especially if Im traveling.

I Bless you with the blessing of the Blessed Mother and may the power of the Holy Spirit come upon you.
is there something wrong with the legion of Mary???i don’t understand why it was not even mentioned. this is the greatest devotion to Mary that there is!!!
I will be consecrating myself to our Blessed Mother via the Militia of the Immaculata on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary July 1


I try to get a rosary in each day, not doing well as of late, have started the first Saturdays, I am trying to start the Little Office, and have my bullet.

Our Lady rocks.
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